The Night After Wrestle Mania

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Tonight, is the craziest Raw of the year, it's the Raw after Wrestle Mania. Tonight, myself and the Riott Squad are starting the show off. Our theme song hits and we do our normal entrance I came out first followed by Ruby and Sarah standing by my side then Liv comes out last skipping around us but this time she handed Sarah the other tag team championship then she hopped on my back and we made our way to the ring.

Graves: I called it when Oliver joined the Riott Squad last year. I knew they'd take things over here in the WWE.

Rene: They all put on great performances last night at Wrestle Mania. These four deserve it.

Oliver: What can I say Ruby was right all along. Last year when I made my return after the four of us took out Andrade and Zelina I was offered to join the Riott Squad. Our plan was to take over the WWE and judging by all this gold we're holding right now it looks like we did just that. Now I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. Last night winning the WWE Championship was supposed to be the best thing to happen in my life, but it wasn't. The best thing to happen in my life happened Friday night after the Hall of Fame. Winning the WWE Championship was awesome don't get me wrong but hearing Liv Morgan say Yes when I asked her to marry me was easily the best thing to ever happen to me.

The crowd was going crazy for us.

Oliver: I'm sure the girls would love to talk so I'm going to step back and let them have the floor.

Liv: This whole weekend has changed my life. Not only am I going to marry the love of my life but I got to win my first Championship in WWE with my best friend. Sarah and I worked our butts off to get where we are today.

As Liv was talking, she was cut off by Mandy and Sonya. Once they got into the ring Daria started doing her shadow boxing that she always does during her entrance then she walked over to me and put her hand in my face and pushed me.

Mandy: That victory last night was a fluke. You didn't even beat us for the titles. You beat those washed up "Divas" the Bella Twins.

Sarah: Please we could easily beat the two of you.

Sonya: And you don't even get me started. You had no business competing for that Raw Women's Championship. You weren't even in the match.

Ruby: I did what needed to be done. I got screwed out of my chance so I had to take what was mine.

Becky makes her way down to the ring and she has fire in her eyes she's pissed about Wrestle Mania. As soon as she's in the ring she grabbed a mic and got right in Ruby's face. Ruby isn't backing down and she has a smile on her face.

Becky: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slap that stupid smile off your face. You think you're better than me? There is a reason why they call me The Man.

Liv: Um excuse me. Nobody ever called you that. You called yourself that.

Becky: You shut the hell up while The Man is talking. Open your mouth again I'll slap you so hard your hair will go back to being pink.

Oliver: Woah take it easy Becky.

Becky: And you, don't get me started on you. Actually, I take that back I don't have any problems with you. Good job last night you actually beat the champ fair. You got my respect champ. But if you say something, I don't like I'll slap your head off too.

Seth's theme song comes on now.

Seth: I want a rematch Oliver.

Oliver: And I want to be 3 inches taller. We don't always get what we want Seth.

Seth: Give me a rematch tonight.

Oliver: Get to the back of the line. You lost it's time for someone else to challenge me.

Kurt Angle comes out to the stage.

Kurt: Seth you know there isn't any more automatic rematches so Oliver is right you have to get to the back of the line.

Seth: Then give me a non-title match.

Oliver: Kurt can I make your job a little easier?

Kurt: How would you do that?

Oliver: Okay so hear me out, Seth is being a little cry baby because I beat him and took his shiny toy from him. Becky is acting like the bully that got beat up by the kid they thought they could easily take, and Sonya and Mandy are just pissed off that Otis ate all the doughnuts that they were going to use for their YouTube show and now they can't film it. On an unrelated note shout out to my boy Otis that dude ate 3 dozen doughnuts earlier today it was very impressive. Almost made me throw up watching him do that but it was impressive.

Kurt: Oliver hold on a second.

Oliver: What's up Kurt?

Kurt: You do know you cracking jokes on everyone isn't making my job easier right? What are you trying to get at?

Oliver: My bad I got carried away. I'm in such a great mood today I couldn't help myself. Since the four of you are obviously mad at the four of us because we beat you all last night. How about we have a match here tonight you four against us four.

Kurt: I like the way that sounds. Tonight's main event will be the Riott Squad vs Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch, Mandy Rose, and Sonya Deville.

Oliver: If you ever want to take the night off Kurt hit me up. I can totally do this GM thing.

*Main Event*

I'm pretty excited for this match since it's the first time I've got to team with Ruby and Sarah. Once everyone is in the ring the ref is trying to get things started but we're all having a face off, eventually I shrugged my shoulders and went after Seth and that was when all hell broke loose. Everyone was just fighting all over the place. Mandy, Sonya, Ruby, and Sarah are fighting throughout the arena while Liv and I are fighting Becky and Seth inside the ring. The ref just called the match off since there was no way he could get everything under control.

Graves: The tempers definitely got the best of everyone here tonight.

Rene: This is crazy Graves.

Liv managed to take Becky out of the equation Seth and I are still going at it I went for a code breaker but he managed to counter it and connected with a buckle bomb. While I'm down Seth rolled out of the ring to get a chair and then he comes back into the ring and starts hitting me with it. Right as Seth has the chair high in the air about to smash me with it Liv kicks him in the balls causing him to fall to the ground, I managed to pull myself up off the mat and as soon as I did I was met with an RKO from outta nowhere. Seth and Randy are both beating me down, Seth went out of the ring again while Randy is punishing me in the corner. Seth brought in some handcuffs and he handcuffed me to the middle rope, I'm stuck and I can't move anywhere. Liv tires to get out of the ring but Seth cuts her off so she goes to leave the other way but as soon as she turns around Randy hit her with an RKO. I'm trying to get free while I'm yelling at Seth and Randy, Seth gets a huge smile on his face and starts to laugh. Randy is over by me and he's forcing me to watch as Seth hits Liv with a curb stomp. Both Randy and Seth leave the ring as refs and medics come rushing down to the ring to check on Liv. The ref eventually got me broken free from the handcuffs and I rushed over to Liv, Ruby and Sarah came running back to the ring. I look up and Randy and Seth are standing at the top of the stage laughing.

Oliver: I'll get both of you son of a bitches. Mark my words, this isn't over.

They put Liv on a stretcher and rolled her to the back.


Liv is getting put into the ambulance and out of nowhere Randy and Seth are attacking me again. They threw me into the SUV that was in the parking lot and then Randy hit me with an RKO on top of the SUV. He then pushed me off of it and him and Seth picked me up and threw me through the glass window in the backstage area as Raw went off the air.

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