May The Best Man Win

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Today is the day, I'm going to be in the main event of my 2nd Wrestle Mania. I'm stepping into the ring tonight with two men that had a big impact on my career in the early stages, I'm really excited for this match but I'm even more excited because after tonight the countdown is on to Liv and I's wedding. The build up to this match has been basically a game of one ups. Finn, AJ, and I have been trying to out shine each other every week in order to prove to one another who the dominate one is. Tonight it all comes to an end when Finn, AJ, and I step into the ring and compete for the WWE Championship. We arrived at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood California, after I got situated I went down to the ring with Liv and Noah. While we were walking down the ramp Zack was walking back from the ring.

Zack: Hey guys, what's up?

Oliver: Nothing just wanting to check out the set up for this year.

Zack: It's sick isn't it? I think this is one of my favorite set ups.

Liv: Hey Zackaroni and Cheese can you take a picture of us? I want to get a picture of Noah's first Wrestle Mania.

Zack: Of course I can.

Zack takes a picture of the 3 of us and then Liv takes a pic of Noah, Zack, and I.

Zack: I have to go meet up with Curt and Chelsea, I'll catch up with you guys later. Good luck tonight Broski.

Oliver: Thanks man, I'll see you later

Liv, Noah, and I went into the ring and I was sitting in the middle of it with Liv and Noah was crawling around. While Liv and I were talking Noah started to climb on me and I fell back and he was on top of me.

Oliver: Babe count the pin.

Liv: 1..2..3..

Liv stood Noah up and she held his arm in the air as he's laughing.

Liv: Here is your winner Noah Pierce.

Oliver: Dang you got your first Wrestle Mania win buddy.

Liv: Look at you putting younger talent over.

Oliver: The kid has a bright future ahead of him.

We left the ring and went backstage so we could get ready for the show. Steph was going to watch Noah while Liv and I got ready. I met up with Sasha's husband to get my gear that he made me for the show. Since Wrestle Mania is basically in LA I wanted to pay tribute to Kobe Bryant tonight, I had gear made similar to Liv's it was purple and yellow and I had got some custom shoes made for tonight. After I changed into my gear I went over to Steph and Triple H's office to get Noah and then we went and sat with Liv and our friends.

*5 hours later*

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen are you ready for the main event. AJ Styles defends the WWE Championship against Finn Balor, and Oliver Pierce.

Graves: These three men tore it up in the land of the rising sun. Tonight here on the grandest stage of them all they will continue to do so. Let's take a look at how we got here tonight.

They show a video package of all three of us in Japan and leading up to tonight.

While the video package is playing Finn, AJ, and I are huddled up.

AJ: I just want to let you guys know how much I love both of you. You both have come a long way in your careers and I'm honored to step into that ring tonight with you two good brothers.

The three of us did a group too sweet before Finn's music hit. After Finn got to the ring my theme song played before I walked through the curtain I looked behind me and saw Liv holding Noah I blew her a kiss and I waved bye to Noah.

Liv: Say bye to Daddy Noah.

Noah: Bye Da da

Liv: Now you want to say that while he can't hear you.

Finn and I are in the ring and we're waiting for AJ to come out once he is finished with his entrance he takes the WWE Championship from around his waist and holds it in the air.

AJ: Take a good look boys because this is leaving with me tonight. This is as close as either of you will get.

The bell rings and the three of us are going at it, AJ had enough so he rolls to the outside and Finn and I turn our attention to him on the outside.

AJ: Hey don't mind me have at it boys.

Finn and I are fighting now, after a few minutes AJ gets in the ring and attacks me from behind. 20 minutes go by and the three of us have been on fire for the crowd having to sit through 5 hours of wrestling they are still very much alive for our match. AJ has Finn locked into the calf crusher right as Finn is about to tap I broke up the submission. AJ is on his feet and now the two of us are brawling when out of nowhere Finn hits me with a sling blade, then he hits AJ with a drop kick into the corner once AJ is on his back Finn is on the top rope looking to end things.

Graves: If Balor connects with Coupe de Grace this match is over and we'll have a new WWE Champion.

Finn connects and goes for the cover, at the very last second I broke the pin up.

Rene: Oliver is not ready for things to end just yet. He wants back the WWE Championship.

AJ is on the outside of the ring and Finn and I are going at it again I connected with a code breaker and as soon as I got to my feet AJ came flying and hit me with a Phenomenal Forearm and went for the cover. Once the ref made the three count the arena was booing AJ.

Mike Rome: Here is your winner and still the WWE Champion AJ Styles.

After AJ got handed the WWE Championship he placed it in the middle of the ring and walked over to Finn and helped him to his feet, then they both walked over to me and they both extended out their hand and helped me up. AJ then put his hand up for a too sweet then Finn put his up, I hesitated for a moment and then I put mine up. The Bullet Club theme song came on as the three of us were standing in the ring. AJ patted both of us on the back.

AJ: I'm proud of the two of you. I really am you two are like younger brothers to me and I'm dang proud of you boys.

Once we made it backstage we were met by a standing ovation from everyone. Liv came over and kissed me.

Liv: You put on a great match babe.

Oliver: Thanks, I'm just glad it's finally over. Now I can focus on the wedding.

Liv: You missed the best thing ever.

Oliver: What was it?

Liv: As you were walking through the curtain Noah said "Bye Da da"

Oliver: Damnit, I can't believe I missed it.

Liv: Maybe he'll say it again.

After everything was over we went to the hotel to get some rest.

Oliver: Another Wrestle Mania is in the books.

Liv: We didn't have the success that we did last year though.

Oliver: I think we had more success this year. Look at where we are now compared the last year. We're a little over a week away from getting married we have a beautiful baby together. I think we're better off than we were last year.

Liv: You're right. I didn't look at it that way.

Oliver: Just think this time next week we'll be in Hawaii on the beach and then we'll be getting married.

We put Noah in his crib and Liv kissed his forehead and then I told him good night. As I was walking away he said it again.

Noah: Da da.

Liv: He finally said it again.

Oliver: I wouldn't trade this for the world.

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