I Do

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The day is finally here, today I'm finally marrying the girl of my dream. I've been waiting for this day every since I proposed to her before Wrestle Mania last year. I ordered some room service for Noah and I for breakfast and once we finished eating breakfast we went for a walk on the beach. Later in the afternoon Zack, Curt, Finn, Ray, New Day, Triple H and Steven all came over to the hotel to get ready for the wedding.

*Liv's POV*

This morning I woke up and I could feel how nervous I am. I have never been like this in my entire life. In 9 hours I'll be getting married this is so crazy. I walked out of the room and Daria and the girls were in the kitchen making breakfast.

Sonya: There's my sister in law.

Ruby: You good girl? You look nervous.

Liv: I have butterflies the size of Bald Eagles in my stomach right now. Is it normal?

Sarah: Sure is, I was so nervous when Ray and I got married.

Brittany: I thought I was going to throw up when Steven and I got married. It was all worth it when I saw Steven standing at the alter waiting for me.

Liv: I'm nervous but I'm so excited.

Brittany: You do know about the wedding tradition where you need something new, something borrowed, and something blue right?

Liv: Yup, I already got the something blue covered.

Ruby: I don't think so. You're not getting married with a blue tongue

Ashley: I got you covered on the something blue Aunt Gionna.

Ashley hands me a jewelry box when I opened it there was a beautiful necklace with a blue heart and on the inside was a picture of Oliver and I and it was engraved it said Oliver & Gionna Pierce 6-19-22.

Liv: Aww I love it Ash thank you so much.

Chelsea: Here is your something borrowed.

Chelsea gave me the veil from her wedding.

Ruby: Sarah and I got you covered on the something new.

Ruby & Sarah got me a sister bracelet that matched the same ones they had.

The girls and I got ready and then we headed over to the venue to finish up and get into our dresses.

*End POV*

Me and the guys are at the venue getting into our Tuxedos and now I'm starting to freak out.

Oliver: Holy shit, I think I'm going to throw up guys.

Steven: Ollie chill man take a deep breath it will be okay.

Triple H: You've main evented Wrestle Mania twice you'll be fine kid.

Oliver: This is more important to me than those two main events.

Curt: Listen Ollie, you may be nervous now but as soon as you walk her down the aisle and see how beautiful she looks you'll forget all about being nervous I promise you.

*2 hours later*

It's finally time the groomsmen all made their way out and then Zack went out and I followed after him.

Triple H walked over to where the girls were to let them know it was time for them to go out. After all the girls went out it was time for Liv to come out.

Triple H: You ready kiddo?

Liv: I am, thank you so much for walking me down the aisle.

Liv hugged Triple H.

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