A Friendship That Will Never Ever End

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*Raw 1 week later*

We're at the top of 2nd hour of Raw and I'm making my way to the ring to do an interview with Kayla Braxton.

Kayla: Oliver, last week you made your return to Raw after being out of action for 4 months after an accident that nearly killed you. We all know what happened after your match and it seems like you're still a little shaken up after what happened with The Fiend.

Oliver: You know Kayla I've spent the last week trying to figure out how I wronged Bray Wyatt and I can't figure it out. For some reason he wants to target me and I have no idea why. I've already been through hell and there isn't anything he can do that will scare me. So whatever issue you have with me I'll be more than happy to settle it with you in this ring.

Bray: Yowie Wowie, welcome back Ollie. It's super duper cool to see you back, and it's even cooler that you're going to be a dad again. Now I just want to say that I'm really really sorry for what The Fiend did to you last week. I think it was super duper rude but hey what do I know? He was just a little cranky because Daniel Bryan can't play with him at Stomping Grounds. Just so you know he heard your challenge earlier and he accepts.

*Bray starts to zone out and get into a trance*

Bray: Oliver, we know you're putting on an act. You're acting all big and brave but we know on the inside you're terrified. The good thing is The Fiend can change all of that. All you have to do is LET ME IN!

*Bray is normal again*

Bray: Bye, Ollie see you soon.

Bray is gone from the screen and Kayla and I are just looking at each other confused.

Kayla: Well Oliver, looks like at Stomping Grounds you have a match against The Fiend.

I just stood there for a moment speechless and then I just walked out of the ring.

*Later in the week*

Liv and I were back in Orlando and we were going to the first appointment to check on the baby. While we're sitting in the waiting room Liv is a little nervous so I took her by the hand.

Oliver: It's okay everything is going to be fine.

Liv: I know, I'm just a little nervous and excited.

Nurse: Are you ready to come back now Gionna?

Liv: I am.

Liv and I were in the room waiting for the doctor. She's sitting on the table and I'm sitting in the chair next to her. A few minutes later the doctor walks in the room.

Doctor: Hi, I'm Doctor Jacobs, nice to meet you.

Liv: Nice to meet you too. I'm Gionna and this is my fiancé Oliver.

Doctor: Is this the first child for both of you?

Oliver: For her yes, for me it's my second.

Doctor: How old is your other child?

Oliver: She was 16. She passed away last year.

Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that.

Oliver: Thank you. I'm really excited for this.

Doctor: Today, we're just going to check and make sure things are okay.

After the appointment we went to schedule our follow up with Dr. Jacobs and then we went out for the day. We went to the Aquarium for the day.

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