The Squad is Growing

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Last night at Elimination Chamber Sonya and Mandy retained the Women's Tag Team Championship and Daniel Bryan retained the Universal Championship. Liv and I haven't been seeing eye to eye the past couple of days so I rode to the arena with Zack and Curt.

Curt: You good back there man? You've been pretty quiet today.

Oliver: I'm fine, I'm just thinking about stuff.

Zack: What's wrong?

Oliver: Liv and I have been getting into it a lot the past few days. It's like no matter what I do I aggravate her. She gets mad at me for the stupidest things she's just been really moody.

Zack: Any idea why?

Oliver: Don't you think if I knew why I'm pissing my girlfriend off I'd fix it? It all started a few days after we got back from Hawaii.

Zack: Maybe she's pregnant.

Curt: Looks like Oliver and Liv we're making some Valentine's Day babies.

Oliver: I don't know how I feel about this guys.

Curt: Broski could be right. My wife was the same way when she was pregnant

Zack: I thought you two wanted a kid.

Oliver: We do, but just not right now.

Curt: You should have thought about that before you and Liv went on that baby making mission.

Zack: There is this thing called a condom. Maybe you should invest in some.

Oliver: Alright guys let's not speak a baby into the atmosphere. Can we chill out about my sex life too.

Curt: Sorry bro.

We arrived to the arena and I couldn't find the girls anywhere so I went and got settled in.

*Liv's POV*

Liv: We may have a problem.

Ruby: What's wrong?

Liv: I think I'm pregnant.

Ruby: You and Oliver were on a baby making mission while in Hawaii I see.

Liv: I mean not really but we did have sex a lot while we were there.

Ruby: I'll call Sarah and tell her to grab a few pregnancy tests on her way to the arena.

Liv: I'm scared Rue.

Ruby: Why are you scared? I thought that you two wanted children together.

Liv: We do, just not right now. What if I am pregnant and Oliver doesn't take it well.

Ruby: Stop worrying. Sarah will be here soon and we'll figure it out from there.

*10 minutes later*

Sarah: Alright I'm here. I brought a few tests just so we can be sure. Let's find out if our little family is going to grow.

Liv went into the bathroom and took 6 pregnancy tests.

Ruby: Alright now we wait.

A few minutes later.

Sarah: Alright now it's time for the moment of truth.

Liv: I'm afraid to look. You guys tell me what they say.

Sarah: Oh no.

Ruby: Yikes.

Liv: What do they say?

Ruby: Well Liv Morgan, the results are in.

Liv: Just tell me already I can't wait any longer.

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