Viking Wedding

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After a week that I'll never forget today is a very special day for me. One of my best friends is getting married. They had a traditional wedding but they wore Viking outfits which was pretty cool. After the ceremony we went to the reception. After Sarah and Ray had their first dance I danced with Sarah.

Oliver: Congrats dude, how does it feel to finally be married?

Sarah: It feels like a dream. I'm just so happy I have Ray in my life.

Oliver: He's a good dude. I'm happy for you guys.

Sarah: I can't wait until you and Liv get married.

Oliver: Let's not worry about that now. Tonight is your night.

The rest of the night was awesome we got to do a lot of cool Viking things. After tonight I kinda want to become a Viking. Once the night is over Liv and I went to our hotel and the next morning we flew back home until we had to leave for Raw.


We've been off TV for two weeks to sell the injuries we got at the hands of Randy Orton and Seth Rollins. Tonight, we're back and I'm out for payback.

Raw kicks off with Seth Rollins.

Seth: Two weeks ago I showed Oliver what happens when you get on my bad side. I sent him and his precious fiancé to the emergency room. How about that rematch now Oliver?

Randy Orton comes out to confront Seth.

Randy: You know Seth if I can remember correctly you weren't the only one that sent Oliver and Liv to the hospital. I was out there too and if it wasn't for me and the 3 most deadly letters in sports entertainment RKO none of that would have possible.

Seth: What are you getting at Randy?

Randy: What I'm getting at is you lost the WWE Championship so you should get to the back of the line. I came out two weeks ago to let Oliver know that he was on the Vipers radar.

Seth: Randy I want my Championship back and there isn't a damn thing you can do to keep me away from it. I deserve a re...

Randy cut Seth off with an RKO.

Randy: Me and you main event tonight. Winner gets Oliver at Extreme Rules. See you later bitch.

Randy throws the mic at Seth and then walks to the back.

*End of Main Event*

Seth and Randy have been putting on a solid match. Seth is going to a stomp but Randy counters it into a scoop power slam and then he's setting Seth up for an RKO and he connects and picks up the victory.

Graves: Looks like at Extreme Rules it's going to be Randy Orton and Oliver Pierce.

Rene: Oliver better be on his game because he's in for a difficult first challenger.

Randy walks up the ramp and right when he gets to the top I come running out and beat the living hell out of him. I threw him into the LED boards on the stage and then I connected with a Hammerlock DDT. The crowd is going crazy. I got on top of Randy and started laying in punches to his face. I got off of him and grabbed a mic.

Oliver: You crossed the line you son of a bitch. I can't wait to get my hands on you at Extreme Rules, you put your hands on my fiancé and that was a mistake Randy. You're not going to be walking out of Extreme Rules I'm going to beat you so bad you won't be able to get up. In two weeks Randy it's me and you in a Last Man Standing match.

I took my shirt off and I threw it at him as he's trying to get up. As soon as Randy gets to his feet I smashed the WWE Championship in his face causing him to get busted open. I reached down to Randy and rubbed my hand in his face then I wiped his blood on my chest and I held the WWE Championship high in the air.

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