The Wrestle Mania Main Event

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Tonight, I have a very important decision to make. I've spent the whole day thinking this over and I finally made my decision. Before the show Ruby and I were having a conversation I really needed some advice and she helped me out a lot. After we got done talking, we walked over to catering and Finn was sitting there by himself.

Ruby: There's my handsome man.

Finn: Very funny Ruby.

Ruby: What you're my man and I think you're handsome.

Finn: Oliver is right there.

Oliver: It's okay handsome I know about your secret.

Finn: You told him?

Ruby: No, he caught us at the hotel in Philly.

Oliver: I wish you guys would have told me. I'm really happy for you two.

Ruby: Maybe we can go on a double date once we tell the girls.

Oliver: I like that idea.

Finn: Who are you going to choose to face at Wrestle Mania?

Oliver: I would tell you but you guys kept your relationship a secret from me so you'll have to wait and see.

Ruby: Fine be a jerk and not tell us.

Oliver: You won't have to wait long I'm starting off the show.

Raw starts and I make my way out to the ring. I'm standing out there and I'm taking it all in as the crowd is chanting "You deserve it" and I'm smiling.

Oliver: It feels good to be back. Now the last time you saw me in this ring I laid the Intercontinental Championship in the middle of this ring and walked away a defeated man. As you know I took time to work on myself, I'm better than I've ever been. Now I'm back and I'm ready to make my mark. Last night I won the Royal Rumble, and the one question everyone has been asking me is who I'll face at Wrestle Mania. I have that answer and I'll let you all know right now.

Right as I was about to make my decision I was cut off by Adam Cole.

Adam: Hold on just a second Oliver. Who the hell do you think you are coming into my territory and jumping me from behind like a coward?

Oliver: Adam you have the thing that I never lost. I wasn't being a coward, I just wanted to let you know that at any moment I could come back and take it from you. We all know you're nothing without your boys fighting your battles for you.

Adam: When was the last time you've done anything without the Riott Squad helping you?

Oliver: Ouch that one hurt a little. Serious question for you Adam. I've always wanted to know, do you and the rest of the Undisputed Era all sleep in the same bed like the Power Puff Girls?

Adam: I should kick your ass right now Oliver.

Daniel Bryan's theme song comes on as he makes his way to the ring.

Daniel: Easy guys, Adam listen we all know that Oliver is a coward. He is afraid of people like you and I because he knows we could wrestle circles around him. Oliver you weren't wrestling in front of 3 people like Adam and I were you don't know what it's like working for a handshake and a hot dog. You come in here and think your entitled to everything. It's because of people like you that people like me never got the opportunity.

Oliver: Damn Daniel, it's nice to see that Brie let you bring your balls with you to work today. There is no doubt that you and Adam both are amazing competitors but when it comes down to it there could only be one Wrestle Mania main event.

Rollins comes out next.

Rollins: Gentlemen take it easy. We can't talk about the Wrestle Mania main event without the WWE Champion. Come on Oliver why don't you just make the easy decision and pick me. We've fought together in different companies and we tore it up. Let's give the world one hell of a match at Wrestle Mania.

Oliver: Now what I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted. Adam you may have the title that I never lost but I have no interest in getting it back, that chapter is behind me. Daniel you and I have never stepped in this ring together and I know the two of us could make magic. Which brings me to you Seth. You're right we do have a past and we have had many battles. Maybe it's time for a change.

Before I could finish talking Daniel and Adam start beating Seth and I down. Eventually things get broken up when Kurt Angle comes out.

Kurt: Enough. We're not having this tonight. If the four of you want to fight then how about in the main event, we have Daniel Bryan and Adam Cole team up against Oliver Pierce and Seth Rollins.

The crowd loved that match and it became official.

*Later in the show*

Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon come out to make an announcement.

Stephanie: In 3 weeks we will reach the final stop on the road to Wrestle Mania when we have Elimination Chamber. Now tonight I'm here to announce that Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville will be defending the Women's Tag Team Championship against. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross, The Iiconics, Sasha Banks and Bayley, Naomi and Ember Moon, And Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan.

When we heard the announcement Sarah and Liv freaked out.

Oliver: Holy shit that's awesome you guys are going to kill it.

Sarah: It's time to show the world what we can do.

*Main Event*

Seth and I are teaming up against Adam Cole and Daniel Bryan. The match is pretty wild we're all going in on each other.

*End of match*

Adam hits me with the Last Shot and then Seth hits him with a super kick and then goes for the Stomp. After Seth connects with the Stomp Daniel hits Seth with a Running knee. On the outside the ref is distracted because Seth and Adam are fighting. Liv comes in and hits Daniel with an enzuigri and then I got him into position for a Rolling Cutter. Once I connected with the Cutter I went for the cover and picked up the victory. After the match Seth was upset with me.

Seth: What the hell was that Oliver?

Oliver: I just won us the match.

Seth: You needed help from the Riott Squad. How the hell are you going to main event Mania when you can't even win a match without their help?

Oliver: Why don't you watch it Seth.

I walked past Seth and bumped him with my shoulder as I walked away. 

**Who do you think Oliver will face at Wrestle Mania?**

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