Family Reunion

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Elimination Chamber is 2 weeks away and tonight I'm back on Smack down. Tonight, is going to be an interesting night because after I made that comment on Raw about Brie letting Daniel take his balls to work she started a war of words with me on Twitter over it. Brie and Daniel challenged me and a partner of my choice to a mixed tag team match tonight. The second I saw the challenge being laid out I already knew who my partner was going to be. I went and found Daria and Mandy before the show started to hang out.

Oliver: Hey champs, how's it going?

Mandy: Pretty good, how are you Mr. Main event of Wrestle Mania?

Oliver: You know just living my childhood dream. 

Sonya: You excited for tonight?

Oliver: Hell yeah, our first time working together in the ring. This is going to be great. Y'all ready for the Chamber?

Mandy: Yeah, we were in the first one so we already know what to expect.


Daria and I are in the ring waiting for Brie and Daniel to come out so we can begin out match. Before the bell rings Brie slapped me in the face and then Daria took her down and then Bryan and I started to fight.

*End of Match*

Daniel and Brie have both Daria and I in the Yes lock, Daria and I are trying so hard not to tap. Out of nowhere Billie and Peyton come down and start attacking Daria. Mandy came down to make the save and then from the crowd the Riott Squad came into the ring and stared taking out all of the women. Daniel and I are still going at it on the outside of the ring. Shane comes out to the stage to stop everything.

Shane: Enough, everybody knock it off.

We're all ignoring Shane and he just yells at us all.


Everyone froze and all eyes were on Shane.

Shane: Now since the Riott Squad came all the way here from Raw. I don't want them to go home with a fight. So right here right now it's going to be The Iiconics taking on Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan taking on the Women's Tag Team Champions Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville. Oliver and Daniel don't think I forgot about the two of you. Tonight, you two will finish this in the main event. Just to make sure it doesn't end up like the first match did Brie and the Riott Squad are banned from ringside. Now Daniel, Oliver, Brie if you don't mind can you please leave ringside so the match can begin.

I went to the back and watched the match; I hate when Mandy and Daria face the Riott Squad cause I'm torn between who to cheer for. All of the girls are putting on a great match.

*End of Match*

Billie and Peyton took Daria out of the match and they have Mandy set up for the Iiconic Knee after they connect and went for the cover Sarah came in and broke it up and dragged Mandy to their corner and Liv made the tag. Billie didn't see the tag and Sarah hit Billie with a headbutt and as soon as Billie turned around Liv connected with the 201 Facebreaker. Liv and Sarah picked up the win, Ruby got into the ring and handed them the Championships and Liv and Sarah held them up high and looked at them and then they put them down and went to the back.

I'm sitting in Gorilla waiting for them to come back and when they did Liv jumped into my arms.

Oliver: I had no idea you guys were coming to Smack down why didn't you tell me?

Liv: We wanted to surprise you.

Oliver: Well you did just that. You guys put on one hell of a match out there.

Sarah: Thanks, you ready to go tear it up with Daniel?

Oliver: Yup can't wait.

*Main Event*

My match is up next, I made my way out to the ring and waited for Daniel to come out. Once he's in the ring I extended my hand out for a handshake but he slapped it out of the way. The bell rings and we go at it.

*End of Match*

Daniel has me down and he's standing in the corner waiting to hit the running knee. The crowd is chanting "Yes" Daniel is getting mad and starts chanting "No" as soon as I got to my feet Daniel came running at me and connected with the running knees and went for the cover. I kicked out at as close to a 3 count as you can get. Daniel was getting frustrated and he got up and put his foot on my face and grabbed my arms and started bashing my head onto the mat. After the ref made him stop he locks in the Yes lock and I had no choice but to tap out.

Greg Hamilton: Here is your winner the WWE Universal Champion Daniel Bryan.

The ref handed Daniel the belt and then he stood over me for a moment and then reached his hand out to help me up. Now I'm back on my feet he pats me on the back and then walks away.

After the show Liv and I went to the airport to fly back to Orlando because tomorrow we were going to Savannah to say good-bye to Brittany and the family because they were leaving for Chicago.

*The next day*

Liv and I pulled up to the house and got out of my truck. We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell and Steven opened it up. Once I walked in I felt like I was losing a part of me, the house was completely empty 

Ashley: Hey Uncle Oliver, hey Gionna, how are you guys?

Liv: We're good Ashley, how are you?

Ashley: Sad, I really don't want to move. All of my friends are here, I'm almost done with school, I have to leave Michael behind and I don't want to be far away from y'all. Can I just move in with you guys?

Oliver: As much as I'd like to let you do that Ashley I can't. We're not home enough and you can't stay by yourself.

Ashley: Mom already said it was fine.

Brittany: I said what was fine.

Oliver: You said that it would be okay if Ashley moved in with me and Gionna?

Brittany: I told her no when she asked me 10 times this week.

Ashley: It was worth a shot.

Liv: Are you excited for the move?

Brittany: A little bit, not really wanting to move though I like it here

Oliver: I'm sad, not only because of you guys leaving but because of all the memories that were made here. This is where Emma took her first steps, said her first words. This house has so many memories.

Liv: At least you'll still have the memories.

Oliver: You're right. The important thing is that everyone is going to be happy.

Steven: Alright girls everything is packed and ready to hit the road.

Oliver: Well I guess this is goodbye guys.

Ashley: Mom can I please, please, please move in with Uncle Oliver? I'm begging you. I don't want to move to Chicago.

Brittany: I'm sorry Ashley the answer is still no.

Liv and I hugged everyone and said our goodbyes. We then walked out of the house with everyone and we stood in the drive way as they drove down the road. I saw Ashley looking back at us and she was crying. I waved as I tried to fight back the tears.

Liv: You okay baby?

Oliver: Yeah, I'm just sad that my family is going to be so far away now.

Liv: You'll still see them. We go to Chicago a lot and I'm sure they'll be by to visit.

Oliver: You're right, let's go home now.

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