The Last Ride

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We traveled to Green Bay for Raw. Liv was still going to come with me until she wasn't able to anymore. Once we arrived to the arena we were swarmed by all of the girls wanting to congratulate us on the baby. While Liv was with the girls I decided I was going to put my things up in the locker room and head over to catering to get Liv and I some food. While I was walking I ran into TJ (Tyson Kidd).

TJ: Ollie you got a minute? Congrats on the baby by the way.

Oliver: Thanks TJ, I'm so excited. What's up?

TJ: They approved the story that you pitched me last night.

Oliver: Hell yeah. When is it going to start?

TJ: Most likely tonight.

Oliver: That's great.

TJ: I gotta get going, I'll catch up with you later.

I went over and grabbed our food and then went to find Liv. She was sitting with Zack, Curt, and the IIconics.

Oliver: Here babe, I got you some food.

Liv: Thanks babe.

Billie & Peyton: Awwwww

Oliver: Do you two have to do that all the time.

Billie & Peyton: Yes we do.

Oliver: It's like the two of you are the same person. It's so creepy

Billie: You know you love us mate.

Oliver: I do, you guys are like my two annoying younger sisters.

Billie: Seriously thought the two of you are couple goals.

Peyton: I can't wait to meet the little one guys I'm so excited.

Oliver: Thanks girls.

Oliver: I'm sure the baby is going to love taking visits to Uncle Zack's house so they can play with his toys.

Zack: That will not happen

Peyton: C'mon Zack, share your toys with the baby.

Curt: You better baby proof your wrestling room.

Oliver: Good idea. I got some good news guys.

Liv: What's the good news?

Oliver: The idea I pitched to TJ last night got approved.

Liv: That's great.

Raw starts out and Liv and I are in the opening segment.

Kevin: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Kevin Owens show. Now tonight is a very special edition. Usually I bring people on this show to get them all worked up and it usually leads to a fight but tonight is different. Tonight, isn't about fighting it's about love. Please welcome my guests tonight Liv Morgan and Oliver Pierce

We made our way out to the ring and I shook hands with Kevin and he hugged Liv.

Kevin: I understand that the two of you made an announcement over the weekend. Would you like to share what that was to the people here and at home that might not have caught it?

Oliver: We would love to. Liv I'll let you do the honors.

Liv: As some of you may already know I'm going to be stepping away for a while because Oliver and I are having a baby.

The crowd went crazy.

Kevin: That's amazing, I'm happy for you guys. See this is why The Kevin Owens Show is better than Miz TV. There isn't any drama on my show.

As Kevin went to talk, he was cut off by Ruby.

Kevin: Come on, I was just putting myself over.

Ruby snatches the mic from Kevin's hand and then gets in Liv's face

Kevin: How Rude.

Oliver: Here Kev take my mic.

Kevin: Thank you Ollie. How rude Ruby, I am not Miz I won't be treated like this. I demand some respect.

Ruby: Kevin shut up. I have something I need to get off my chest.

Kevin: Remember guys the KO show is about love.

Ruby: I said Shut up Kevin.

Liv: What do you want?

Ruby: I'm out here to do something I should have done a few weeks ago.

Liv: And what's that?

Ruby: This

Ruby hugged Liv and the crowd loved every second of it.

Ruby: I'm sorry for turning my back on you. I was just frustrated and I took it out on you. You and Sarah are my sisters and I'm so happy for the two of you. I love you.

Liv: Aw Ruby, I forgive you and I love you too.

The girls shared a group hug and then they signaled for me to come over too so I joined in the hug.

Kevin: Guys, what about me? I want a hug too

Liv: Get in here Kevin.

Kevin: My guests love me, they really love me.

After we all broke the hug the Riott Squad theme played.

Kevin: Suck it Miz. My guests give me hugs and yours beat you up.

After we got backstage, I had to go get ready for my match tonight. I'm wrestling Zack tonight we're standing in Gorilla waiting for our cue.

Zack: You ready for me to finally get a win over you?

Oliver: Sike, I'm going to make you blow up in 2 minutes.

Zack: Whatever bro, see you out there.

*End of Match*

Zack had me down in the corner and he was going for the Broski Boot but I rolled out of the way at the last minute and he got caught up in the rope. As soon as he got out of the rope I hit him with a codebreaker and picked up the win. I helped Zack to his feet and then I patted him on the back. Zack got out of the ring and as I was leaving the lights to the arena went out one at a time.

*Insert Fiend attack music*

While the arena is dark, I'm getting attacked and I can't fight back because I can't see who's attacking me. There is an eerie sound playing and when the lights come back on The Fiend hits me with sister Abigail. I'm lying in the ring knocked out and the lights are flashing again while the sound is still playing and The Fiend is in the middle of the ring laughing. The lights go out and when they come back on The Fiend is gone and I'm laid out in the ring. A couple of refs come running down to check on me then they carry me to the back.


Liv: Are you okay?

Oliver: I'm fine.

Ruby: You're working with Bray now?

Oliver: Yeah, I decided that I wanted to be there with Liv for the whole pregnancy. I figured I could go into a program with Bray and then I could go away for a while.

Liv: I thought you said you'd stay on TV until I needed you?

Oliver: I did say that and you need me now. You asked me what I wanted to do and what I want to do is be with you every step of the way on this journey and that's exactly what I'm going to do. As soon as I'm done with Bray you got me until you're ready to come back.

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