Planning The Wedding

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I'm 2 weeks into my 30 day suspension and it couldn't have been going any worse. I got sick with the flu and Liv has been on the road since I've been home. I'm bored out of my mind, I've been laying on the couch watching Dexter for the 2nd time when Liv called me.

Liv: How are you feeling honey?

Oliver: Like shit, I've been throwing up all morning. I really could use my nurse right now.

Liv: Poor baby. You know if I was home I'd be taking good care of you.

Oliver: I know I miss you so much.

Liv: I'll be home in a few days. Maybe we can start some planning for the wedding.

Oliver: That sounds good.

Liv: I figured you were still feeling bad so I ordered you some food. The driver should be there soon with it.

Oliver: You're the best.

While were talking the doorbell rings.

Oliver: I think my food is here

Liv: Wow that was fast.

I opened the door and it wasn't my food it was Liv.

Liv: Surprise! I had to take a page from your book.

Oliver: This just made my day.

*Later that week*

I'm starting to feel a lot better and now I feel bad because Liv has been not feeling well. We're sitting in the living room on my laptop looking at places for the wedding.

Liv: This is it Oliver. It looks beautiful

Oliver: I agree it does. I could see us getting married there.

Liv: Looks like we'll be getting married in Hawaii

Oliver: Now all we have to do is just pick a date how about October?

Liv: That's two months away we'll never get things planed out in time.

Oliver: November?

Liv: I was thinking more like July or August?

Oliver: I thought you wanted to do this soon?

Liv: I do but we can't get married that soon. Can't we enjoy being engaged for a while?

Oliver: Fine then we can do it then I guess.

Liv: I'll be right back I have to throw up.

Liv got up and ran to the bathroom and I heard her throwing up so I went and held her hair for her.

Liv: Thanks babe.

Oliver: Feel better?

Liv: No, I hate you for getting me sick.

Oliver: Well I feel better now.

Liv: Because you gave it to me asshole.

Oliver: I love you too. I'll be back, I'm going to get you some medicine.

I left and went to the store and I got Liv some medicine and some flowers. I got back to the house I walked into the living room to see Liv sitting on the couch with Spirit in her lap.

Liv: Aw I love sunflowers.

Oliver: I know you do.

Liv: I forgot to give you your present I got you while I was on the road.

Oliver: You didn't have to get me anything.

Liv: Yes I did. I think you'll love it. I'll be right back.

A few minutes later Liv comes back into the Living room with a box.

Liv: You know Rob Schamberger, right?

Oliver: Yeah, the guy that does all of the paintings of the wrestlers?

Liv: Yeah, he was at Raw one night because he had some paintings he was getting signed for the WWE Auction site. He had all of his painting stuff so I asked him if he could do a painting for you and he did. Hopefully you like it.

Liv hands me the box and when I opened it my mouth dropped and I was at a loss for words. I started to tear up. I looked up at Liv and she's smiling at me.

Oliver: Seriously?

Liv: Yup.

In the frame was picture of little wrestling boots and it said "Baby Pierce making their debut June 2021"

Liv: Congrats Daddy.

I couldn't help but cry as I hugged Liv and held her tight.

Oliver: I can't believe we're going to be parents.

Liv: I know. It's finally going to happen.

Oliver: I'm so excited.

Liv: I am too. At first I was scared because I found out while I was riding with Zack and Curt. I didn't tell them because I wanted you to find out before anyone else. After it sunk in I was so happy and couldn't wait to tell you.

Oliver: This is the best day ever.

Liv: I can't wait to go through this journey with you.

Oliver: This has to be the happiest day of my life.

Liv: Now you see why I wanted to push the wedding back? I thought you would have got the hint.

Oliver: I didn't even think about it. I just wanted to do whatever made you happy. I love you so much Gionna

Liv: I love you too Oliver.

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