The Biggest Battle Of The Summer

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Summer Slam is tonight and Liv, Ruby8 and I all have big matches. The girls are having a singles match against each other and I'm going one on one in a no holds barred match against Triple H. Before the show started I went to record a podcast with Zack and Curt then I went to get ready for tonight. Sarah was still on the road with us she was trying to stay with us as long as she could. Before I got ready I sent out a tweet to hype up the match up

@oliverpiercewwe: I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

Since I'm going to war tonight with Triple H tonight, I decided to put on some war paint. I had Sarah do mine before I went out.

Sarah: Alright buddy we're done. Go take a look and tell me what you think.

I walked over to the mirror and I had a huge smile.

Oliver: Sarah that is so bad ass I love it.

Sarah: Glad you like it, are you ready for your match?

Oliver: I was born ready.

I met up with the girls in Gorilla before the match and we all shared a hug and then I gave Liv a kiss and started to hype myself up for my in-ring return.

The show starts and Triple H makes his way out to the ring first. Once he's in the ring my old theme song comes on and I stayed in the back. A few minutes have gone by and I didn't come out so Triple H grabs a mic to call me out.

Triple H: Where the hell are you Oliver? Get your ass out here right now and meet your maker. I created you and tonight I'm going to destroy you.

My new theme song plays and the crowd popped pretty good for me

I made my way out to the ring and then I circled around and the ring not breaking my stare from Triple H.

Graves: Looks like Oliver is trying to play mind games with Triple H.

Rene: I think Oliver may have finally lost it.

Graves: I think we're in for one hell of a match.

I finally get in the ring and Triple H and I have a stare down in the middle of the ring the tension is real high. The crowd is waiting to see who will strike first, He took the first shot and now we're off to the races. We're throwing fists he backs me into the corner and starts laying into me. I fall down and now he's stomping away at my ribs. Triple H goes for a Pedigree early on but I managed to flip him over my back for a reversal. Once he's down I get on top of him and start throwing haymakers at him. The ref pulls me off of him and I roll to the outside and bring a chair in. I come back into the ring and I'm smashing it right into Triple H as he's lying on the ground.


Ruby: I've never seen this side of him before.

Sarah: He's acting like a mad man out there.

Liv: I like it, it's kinda hot.

Ruby: Seriously Liv?

Liv: What?

*Mid match*

Triple H just put me through the announce table with a spine buster, now the two of us are laying on the ground in the destruction of what was once the announce table. The crowd is into it chanting this is awesome, Triple H gets to his feet and walks over to the ring apron and reaches under and pulls out the sledgehammer and the crowd goes insane for it. While Triple H was showing off to the crowd I managed to make it to me feet and I connected with a drop kick causing Triple H to fall back into the ring post and now he's down. I moved the stairs away from the ring and I laid Triple H across them and I climbed to the top rope and went for a Moonsault but at the last second he moved out of the way and I went crashing into the steps. Triple H throws the bottom set of steps into the ring followed by the sledgehammer, he then picks me up and tosses me back into the ring. I get back up and I nail him with a super kick then I fall right back down from the pain. Triple H is back on his feet before I am and he has the sledgehammer in his hands and he's taunting me waiting for me to get back to my feet. Once I'm back on my feet I get hit right in the ribs with the sledgehammer.

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