Here We Go Again

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*5 years later*

Tonight is the Raw after Wrestle Mania and half way through the show the new Raw Tag Team Champions the Usos make their way out.

Jimmy: Yo Uce, last night we showed the world why we're the best tag team in the world.

Jey: How about we keep this party going and tonight we put these titles on the line.

Jimmy: If anybody wants to step in this ring with me and my brother you gonna get locked down in the Uso penitentiary.

Graves: Who will step to the plate and try to dethrone the Usos?

Rene: Oh my god.

Graves: This can't be.

Rene: It is Graves. Oliver and Jackson are back together.

Graves: My eyes are deceiving me the Fallen have reunited.

Jackson and I step into the ring and the ref rings the bell and we are underway. The match was great the four of us were clicking and we were creating magic out there. Jackson and I were working together like we never stopped being a team. Eventually we'd connect with the Doomsday DDT and pick up the victory.

Mike Rome: Here are your winners The Fallen.

Graves: Reunited and it must feel so good. The Fallen are the new Raw Tag Team Champions.

After the show I went out to eat with Jackson, Leah, Ruby, and Baron Corbin. Ruby and Baron have been dating for almost a year now and since Liv was home with Noah this week because he wasn't feeling good I was the odd man out of the group. After we got to the hotel I got on FaceTime with Liv and Noah and talked with them for a little bit.

Oliver: There's my beautiful wife.

Liv: Hey babe, congrats on the win tonight.

Oliver: Thanks, how's my little buckaroo feeling?

Noah: I'm feeling better Daddy.

Oliver: I'm glad, have you been taking good care of Mommy for me while I've been gone?

Noah is shaking his head yes.

Liv: Tell Daddy your big news.

Noah: Guess what?

Oliver: What?

Noah: Look I lost my first tooth.

Oliver: Woah, that's awesome bud. You better put it under your pillow so the Tooth Fairy can come visit you tonight.

Noah: I will, when are you coming home? I miss you.

Oliver: I'll be home tomorrow. Maybe we'll go out to the park or something since you feel better.

Noah: I can't wait.

Liv: Alright Noah say goodnight to Daddy and go brush your teeth and I'll come tuck you in.

Noah: Goodnight Daddy I love you.

Oliver: I love you too buckaroo.

Liv: You should have seen him watching you on TV the past two nights he was going crazy. He looks up to you so much.

Oliver: I can't believe how big he's gotten. I always wondered what I was like as a kid and now I know.

Liv: What time is your flight coming in?

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