The End

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This morning I woke up before the alarm went off, I reached over Liv and turned it off so she could sleep in a little bit. I just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, it still didn't seem real to me that tonight was going to be my final match in my career. As I was laying there Liv woke up and rolled over and put her arm around me.

Oliver: Good morning babe.

Liv: Morning sweetie. Are you excited for the big day?

Oliver: I actually am. I'm ready to ride off into the sunset.

Liv: Want to know a little secret?

Oliver: What's that?

Liv: Tomorrow night I'm going to retire too.

Oliver: Seriously?

Liv: Yup, I don't think anything I can do will top teaming with you and our son.

Oliver: Well let's go get ready for our final ride babe.

While Liv was in the shower I went to my Instagram and posted a few pics of the evolution of my career.

@oliverpiercewwe: All of this comes to an end tonight. #Thankyou

Liv and I arrived to the stadium and once we got there I went straight to the ring area to go see the set up like I do every year. I was walking down to the ring holding Liv's hand and we saw Noah in the ring warming up we stopped and watched him for a moment. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the way Tori was watching her brother in the ring.

Liv: Look at you over there with that smile.

Oliver: I'm just proud of him. He's worked really hard to be where he is today and he turned out to be a great kid. I love the way Victoria looks up to him she's his biggest fan.

Liv: I think we did a good job with those two. 

Oliver: I think we nailed this parent thing babe.

Noah noticed us and he got out of the ring and came over to us with Tori.

Noah: You two old farts ready for tonight?

Oliver: I was born ready. Hopefully Grandma over here can keep up.

Liv: Um I can still go so both of you better stop picking on me.

Tori: Yeah, leave Mom alone guys. 

Noah: I can't wait for this match tonight guys. I've always wanted to work with you two and now it's finally happening.

Oliver: Well you get to wrestle with your parents in their last match.

Tori: What?

Noah: You're retiring too Mom?

Liv: Yeah, I think it's time. Plus, I couldn't think of a better match to be my final one than teaming up with my boys.

Oliver: I just want to let you know that your Mom and I are very proud of you son.

Noah: I know, you guys are the best.

Liv: Let's take a family picture together.

Liv had one of the production crew take a picture of the three of us in front of the Wrestle Mania stage and she posted it to Instagram alongside the pic of Noah's & Tori's first Wrestle Mania. 

@yaonlylivvonce: Our first Wrestle Mania together and our last Wrestle Mania together. I love these three so much. I couldn't think of a better way to end my career than along side my husband in his final match and along side our son.


Our match was up next and we were in Gorilla with Noah, Jackson, Leah, and Luke.

Jackson: You better bring your game tonight Ollie. I came out of retirement for this.

Oliver: Come on man, I carried you for how many years? One more night won't be that bad.

Jackson: Very funny, good luck out there.

Luke made his way out then Jackson and Leah went out after him.

Noah: Alright guys this is it.

Noah's theme song hits and he made his entrance. I'm watching him walk to the ring as I'm bouncing around getting ready.

Liv: Nervous?

Oliver: Yeah now I am. I know once I get in there everything will be fine.

Triple H: Alright Liv, Ollie you're on in 5,4,

Liv: It's the final Riott.

Oliver: Let's do it mamma.

I gave Liv as kiss as the Riott Squad theme song came on and we made our way out to the stage. We stopped for a second then did our handshake we made up during the Mix Match Challenge and then she jumped on my back and we made our way to the ring. Once we did our entrance we stood face to face with Jackson, Leah, and Luke. Then we all shook hands as a show of respect and Jackson and I started off the match. We locked up and were having a test of strengths which ended in a tie. I tagged Liv in and her and Leah went back and forth for a little bit and then Leah tagged Luke in.

*End of Match*

Luke and Noah have been going at it and they're both down in the middle of the ring. Both men are crawling to the corners to make the tag and at the same time they both tagged out and Jackson and I are legal now. I jumped over the top rope and took Jackson down. Liv and Leah are now in the ring all 6 of us are brawling and then Liv connects with the 201 Facebreaker and then Noah connects with a code breaker and then I nailed Jackson with a running knee. I went for the cover and as soon as the ref counted the 3 I felt a wave of emotions hit me. The first thing I did when I got to my feet was hug Noah and then I kissed Liv. Then I shook hands with Jackson and Luke then I gave Leah a hug as the three of them left the ring. Noah came over and raised mine and Liv's arms in victory then he hugged me and then he hugged and kissed Liv and left us in the ring to celebrate. After we took the moment in we both left the ring and she jumped on my back as I carried her up the ramp. We both stopped at the top of the stage and took it in for the last time. We waved to the crowd and then we walked through the curtain and into the backstage area where we were met with a standing ovation.

Liv: So is this how you pictured your career ending?

Oliver: Not one bit. This is actually better than what I thought would happen.

Noah: Thank you guys for letting me share that moment with you two.

Oliver: No son, thank you. I wouldn't have wanted to go out any other way.

Noah: So what's next for the two of you?

Liv: I think me and your Dad are going to get that cabin in the mountains and live happily ever after.

Oliver: I like the sound of that babe.


Liv and Oliver would finally get there cabin in Tennessee and they did try for baby number 3 but they ended up with baby number 3 and 4. They had twin boys Dylan and Tyler. Noah would go on to become the longest reigning Universal Champion of all time and a multi time WWE and Intercontinental Champion. Noah and Athena would go on to have 2 children together. Victoria would become a professional soccer player and she even won an Olympic Gold Medal in soccer. 

Oliver and Liv would go on to live happily ever after. 

                                                                                               **THE END**

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