Road to Wrestle Mania

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Tonight is the go home Raw before the Royal Rumble and both Raw and Smackdown are at the show. It was great getting to see Daria, Mandy, and a few of our other friends. Liv was hanging out with all of the girls and I went over to chill with New Day to film an episode of UpUpDownDown. After we recorded the episode we were just shooting the shit since it's been a long time since I've seen them.

Woods: So when are you and Liv getting married?

Oliver: Well we decided to go with the week after Wrestle Mania. Here I got these for you guys.

I went in my bag and handed them all their invitations to the wedding.

Kofi: I'll be there big dawg.

Oliver: I can't wait man, it's still a little stressful. I mean we already found the place and it's booked we just need someone for the music and we need to find someone to marry us.

Big E: I can marry y'all.

Oliver: Seriously?

Big E: Yeah, I was a preacher when I was a kid and I have my marriage license.

Oliver: You wouldn't mind?

Big E: Of course not. I'd be honored to do it.

Woods: Just don't faint like you did when you were preaching to the old folks.

Big E: Man I was a child and it was really hot in the nursing home.

Oliver: I really appreciate that E. I hate to run guys but I have to get ready for the show.

Raw kicks off tonight with the Bullet Club opening the show. After AJ and Finn talk they hand me the mic.

Oliver: Now I'm sure the question everyone wants answered is why Oliver? Why'd you turn your back on your friends? Why did you join the Bullet Club? Going into battle with The Fiend really changed me, it made me realize who I really was. I had a lot of time to reflect on my career and it hasn't went according to the plan I had so I decided I needed to make a change. Fun fact when I first started out wrestling I met Finn and we tore Japan up he took me into the Bullet Club and when he left AJ took over. I've learned a lot from these two men right here, then when AJ left the last thing he did was leave the Bullet Club in my hands. You see right here right now you're looking at 3 former leaders of the most dominate faction in professional wrestling, now that we're all together nothing will stop us we're going to take every single title in the WWE and nobody will be able to stop us. Believe in the Bullet Club because everything we do is just too sweet.

*End of Show*

The main event is a mixed tag match between the Kofi and Big E and Bayley going against the USOs and Charlotte Flair. During the match the everyone is in the ring and Bullet Club theme song hits and they made their way through the crowd once they hopped the barricade they circled the ring shield style and got up onto the apron.

Graves: This is going to be bad.

Rene: They're missing someone where is Oliver?

Finn, AJ, Gallows and Anderson took out the USO and New Day then they circled around Flair, Sasha and Bayley.

I made my way out to the stage.

Oliver: Woah, woah, take it easy guys. We're not going to do anything to them.

Cole: Well at least someone has some sense.

Oliver: You see we told you last week that we had a surprise for you and I'm here to let you in on it. You see the Bullet Club has done some recruiting and I'd like to introduce you to our newest members.

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