Old School

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I rode to Raw with the Riott Squad tonight, it's been a long time since we've all rode together. Before the show we had some time to kill so we went to a trampoline park for a little bit. We played dodge ball with a couple of kids that were fans of ours and then we headed to the arena.

Ruby: So how much longer are you going to be doing Raw shows?

Oliver: I'm bouncing around since I haven't made a decision. So whenever I choose my opponent I'll be on that brand.

Liv: Are you going to pick Seth?

Oliver: Don't know yet. I really want to get in there with Daniel again. I don't even know yet what I'm going to do.

Sarah: I'd love for you to come back to Raw but as long as you win the Championship I'll be happy.

Oliver: I just can't wait to get to the arena tonight for Old School Raw. I really want to meet Stone Cold.

We arrived at the arena and I couldn't believe how many legends were there. While we were walking I stopped in my tracks and froze, Liv walks right into me.

Liv: Bro what the hell? Why'd you stop?

Oliver: Trish Stratus is right there.

Liv: I've worked with her in the Rumble a few years ago she's so nice.

Oliver: She was my first crush as a kid.

Liv: Go say hi.

Oliver: I'm too nervous.

Ruby: Seriously Oliver?

Oliver: Yes I'm scared.

Liv: You are ridiculous.

Oliver: Call me whatever you want. I'm too scared to go say hi. I'm going to put my bags up I'll see you guys later.

I'm in the locker room putting my stuff up and there is a knock on the door. I open it up Liv is standing there with a huge smile on her face.

Oliver: I know that smile. You did something that I'm going to be mad at you for.

Liv: Not me, I would never do that. I just have a surprise for you, close your eyes.

I closed my eyes

Liv: Okay open them.

As soon as I opened my eyes I saw Trish Stratus standing right in front of me.

Trish: Hey Oliver, Liv told me how much you wanted to meet me. She even told me that I was your first crush. It's nice to meet you.

Oliver: Too meet as well you nice.

Trish and Liv are both laughing at me being flustered.

Liv: Get it together babe.

Oliver: I'm sorry. It's nice to meet you as well.

I spent a few minutes talking with Trish and Liv. I took a picture with Trish and then we finished getting ready for the show.

Raw kicks off with The Rock and he's out there dropping all of the greatest hits and then Stone Cold comes out. It was pretty awesome getting to see them in person. Once they came back to Gorilla I had enough courage to walk over and introduce myself to them. They were really cool and I got to take a picture with them. I stayed and watched Raw with the girls, Zack and Curt the main event tonight was Rey Mysterio and Seth Rollins for the Universal Championship.

Liv: Who are you texting?

Oliver: Nobody, I'm looking over my list.

Ruby: What list?

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