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*2 Months Later*

The recovery from my accident has gone pretty smooth. Liv and I just left my appointment with the doctor and he said everything is going as planned. I'm still nowhere near ready to get back into the ring but I am clear to travel which is good. So, I'm going to be back in my spot next to Triple H at the monitors during the shows again. I pulled a few strings to have Triple H pull the girls off the road this week so I could surprise Liv for her birthday. Daria came by and took Liv out so Ruby and Sarah could come over and we could plan out the surprise.

Ruby: What was so important that you needed us here so fast?

Oliver: Liv's birthday is Saturday.

Sarah: Okay? You couldn't have just texted us and told us that?

Oliver: Yes, I could have texted you that but that's not the point.

Sarah: Well then why did you make us come here?

Oliver: If you would shut up and let me talk I could tell you.

Sarah: I will cut you.

Ruby: Take it easy Texas Chainsaw Massacre. You know our dad has to give us a full-blown Power Point presentation on his plan.

Oliver: Are you guys done yet?

Sarah: Yeah you can finish.

I gave the girls a run down on the plans and we were all on the same page.

Oliver: Now before y'all came over I got everything taken care of so we're good on that end. Now we just need to finish the rest of the plan.

About an hour went by before Liv came home. Once she was here, I cooked dinner for the girls and we all just hung out at the house.

Liv: Not only are you handsome but you can cook too.

Ruby: Oliver you're too good to us.

Oliver: What can I say, you girls are special to me.

Liv: Is there anything exciting happening this weekend?

Ruby: Not that I know of. What about you guys?

Sarah: Nah, I can't think of anything.

Oliver: I actually just made plans for us. We're taking an extended weekend and having a Riott Squad vacation. I suggest y'all start packing soon.

Sarah: Why?

Oliver: Because we're leaving in a few hours.

Ruby and Sarah left and went to pack their stuff while Liv and I got everything packed up. An hour later Ruby and Sarah showed back up to our house. I packed up my new Jeep and we were ready to hit the road.

Oliver: Alright Riott Squad are y'all ready to hit the road?

Liv: Wooooo squad sqaud road trip.

Ruby: Where are you taking us?

Oliver: We're going to Tennessee. I rented us a cabin in the mountains for 4 days.

Sarah: Aww thanks.

Ruby: This real sweet of you.

Liv: Thanks babe.

Oliver: It's the least I could do for you guys. You took care of me so much while I was recovering from the accident.

*9 hours later*

We finally arrived at the cabin and it's even more beautiful than it looked in the pictures. I really hope Liv has a great birthday. We all got out of the car and stretched that was a long ride.

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