Class of 2037

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Wrestle Mania is 2 weeks away and I've been reflecting on my career a lot. It has become a nightly routine at our house with Tori where she wants to sit with me and watch some old matches.Tonight's viewing got a little bit deep for us, we watched back Hell in a Cell 2019. Whenever we watched an event that Liv was on we watched her match or whatever she was involved in. After the match when Ruby won the title and the girls were all crying pointing up to the sky I knew the questions were coming. 

Tori: Daddy, who is the Emma girl that Aunt Ruby was talking to?

I paused the show and then I took a deep breath.

Oliver: Emma was your older sister. She died years before you were born.

Tori: How come you never told me about her?

Oliver: It's not something I like to talk about. People have different ways of dealing with death. When your sister died it sent me down a dark path.

Tori: I'm sorry I brought back those memories.

Oliver: Don't be, you deserved to know about Emma.

We finished watching Hell in a Cell.

Oliver: Want to see a match me and your mom had together?

Tori: Sure.

I put on the finals of the Mix Match Challenge.

Tori: The two of you made a great team in the ring.

Oliver: I think we made a great team outside the ring as well. Look at what we've done with you and your brother.

Tori: You guys really are the best. Have you thought about who was going to induct you into the Hall of Fame?

Oliver: I think I have an idea of who I want it to be. For now, it's time for you to go to sleep you have school in the morning.

Tori: Can't we watch one more match?

Oliver: How about tomorrow?

Tori: It's a date Dad.

Tori got up and have me a hug.

Oliver: Goodnight sweetie, I love you.

Tori: Love you too Dad.

I re watched the match that Tori and I just watched and as Liv and I were making our entrance she came into the room and cuddled up next to me on the couch.

Liv: Look how cute we were together back then.

Oliver: What do you mean were. We still are cute.

Liv: I do admit though we looked awesome in that matching gear.

Oliver: We did and I must admit that I'm an idiot for not realizing that you were in love with me back then.

Liv: I wasn't very good at hiding it either. I'm shocked you didn't realize it. 

Oliver: Honestly I just thought you were just really good at staying in character. Look at us now, 23 years together and we're still going strong.

Liv: I wonder what would have happened if I never would have introduced myself to you.

Oliver: Luckily for both of us you did. What do you say after Wrestle Mania we try for baby number 3?

Liv: I don't know Ollie, we're getting older.

Oliver: That's true. Maybe Noah and Athena will give us a Grandchild.

Liv: Oh lord, we're too young to be Grandparents.

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