Sharing the News

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We decided tonight was the right time to tell all of our friends about the baby. We invited them all over for a BBQ and before we ate, we'd break the news. Liv and I went to the PC to see Triple H so we could tell him the news in person. We got to the PC and went straight to his office.

Triple H: What are you guys doing here?

Oliver: We wanted to talk to you about something.

Triple H: I'm actually glad you guys are here. I was going to call you in a little bit, I have some news to tell you.

Liv: What is it?

Triple H: I went to Vince and told him about everything that has been going on with Enzo and Cass. With the help of Leah speaking up both Enzo and Cass have been fired for the constant harassing of you and Leah.

Liv: That's awesome thank you so much.

Oliver: I really appreciate that thank you.

Triple H: Which leads me to even better news. You're no longer suspended.

Oliver: That's awesome.

Triple H: What did you guys want to talk about?

Liv: Well Oliver and I wanted to get you a gift because you've done a lot for us and we wanted to show our appreciation.

Triple H: You guys didn't have to do that.

Oliver: We know, we just wanted to do something nice.

Liv hands Triple H an envelope.

Liv: It's not much but we thought it would mean a lot to you. Hopefully you like it.

Inside there was a coupon and it read "One free Grand baby redeemable in June of 2021" He looked at us laughing and smiling then he stood up and walked over and hugged us both.

Triple H: Congrats guys.

Oliver: Thanks Dad.

Liv: I'm so excited.

Triple H: I'll let the office know that you're going to be off the road for a while.

Oliver: I want to get pulled off as well. I want to be with her through the whole thing.

Liv: Babe, you don't have to do that.

Oliver: Yes I do.

Triple H: I'll let you guys figure that out on your own. Let me know whatever you guys decide to do.

Oliver: Alright sounds good.

Triple H: Congrats again guys. I can't wait to meet the little one.

After we left the PC we made stopped by the store to get something for everyone when they came to our house later and to get all the food. A few hours later everyone started to come over to our house.

Oliver: Dang Sarah look at you with that belly. You're starting to show girl.

Sarah: I'm starting to look like you.

Oliver: Ouch, that hurt a little. I deserve it I've been slacking in the gym.

Once everyone is at the house, we decided it was time to set up the big reveal.

Liv: Oliver and I had this idea for today, we spent a lot of time planning this out. We're going to have a battle of the sexes.

Oliver: We've set up a few games we just wanted to do something fun since we all haven't done anything together since Mania week. There will be a prize at the end of the games.

Liv: We got everyone shirts for today too.

All the girls got pink shirts and all the guys got blue ones.

Oliver: May the best person win.

We played the games and the last event was a Street Fighter match on PS4. It was down to me and Daria. Liv and I rigged the games so that would be the finals.

Liv: The winner of this event will win break the tie and win the game. Good luck to both of you.

I easily beat Daria in the first game and then the 2nd game she beat me.

Sonya: No pressure bro.

Oliver: Please, I got this.

I ended up throwing the game so she could beat me.

Oliver: You cheated.

Sonya: Someone is a sore loser.

Oliver: Whatever, we both know I've always been better than you at this game.

Liv: Daria is the winner. Here is your prize.

Liv and I handed out the envelopes with the "prize" inside.

She opened the envelope and as soon as she read the note her jaw dropped.

Sonya: Are you fucking serious?

Oliver: What do you not like your prize?

Sonya: Are you for real?

Liv: Yes it's real. I'm pregnant.

Ruby: Oh my god.

Zack: Congrats guys.

Daria is in tears she's so happy I went over to her and she was hugging me so tight as she was crying.

Sonya: I'm so fucking happy right now. I'm going to be an Aunt.

Sarah: Looks like I get to be pregnant with my best friend.

After we had dinner and everyone left Liv and I talked about me taking time off.

Liv: You know you don't have to take the whole pregnancy off right?

Oliver: I want to. I want to be able to go through this with you. I want to be able to take care of you, make every doctors appointment, I want to be there for the first sonogram, I want to hear the heart beat for the first time.

Liv: What do you want to do Oliver? You're always putting things aside for me, it's time you do something for yourself for once.

Oliver: I made a promise to you that I'd always pick my family over wrestling.

Liv: I understand that but I don't want you to hold back from your passion.

Oliver: How about this, I'll go back until you need me?

Liv: Deal.

Oliver: When are we going to make the pregnancy public?

Liv: Let's do it now.

We got the painting that Liv had made for me and we took a picture of us kissing holding the painting. Liv uploaded it to her Instagram.

@yaonlylivvonce: Baby Pierce coming soon. Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you.

As soon as we posted that our phones blew up with support from everyone.

Oliver: Are you ready for this journey Mamma?

Liv: I sure am Daddy.

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