The Reveal

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*1 month later*

We found out a couple of weeks ago that Ray and Sarah are having a girl. Today, we're on the way to the doctor to hopefully find out the gender of our baby. Liv and I were called back into the room and a few moments later Doctor Jacobs comes into the room.

Doctor: How have you two been?

Liv: Great, excited to find out what we're having.

Doctor: Well hopefully we'll be able to do that today. What are you hoping for?

Oliver: I don't care as long as the baby is healthy, I'm happy.

*15 minutes later*

Doctor: Great news, everything is good the baby is coming along just fine.

Liv: Were you able to find out what we're having?

Doctor: I did would you like to know?

Liv and I both looked at each other.

Oliver: Whatever you want to do babe.

Liv: Can we wait?

Oliver: If you want to do that then I'm fine with it.

Liv: I want to wait. We should have a gender reveal party.

Doctor: I'll put it in this envelope so you can give it to whoever is going to plan the party.

After we left the doctor we went and got some pizza and then we went home. We were lying on the couch and Liv wanted to lay on me so I scooted up and she got between my legs and laid on me. While we're sitting there, I put my hand on her stomach and she put her hand on top of mine.

Liv: Did you feel it?

Oliver: Yeah, the little one just kicked.

Liv: I think we should start thinking about names.

Oliver: I agree. Got any good ones?

Liv: Well if it's a girl how about Destiny, Angel, Victoria, Lyric, Maddie, Tiffany, Vanessa.

Oliver: I like Victoria. What if it's a boy? I was thinking Eric, Justin, Tyler, Noah, Bryan, Dylan, Matt.

Liv: I love Noah. If we're having a boy we will name him Noah.

Oliver: Can he have my middle name?

Liv: Yes, Noah James Pierce I like that. I do like Victoria we could call her Tori for short.

Oliver: What about Michelle as her middle name?

Liv: Victoria Michelle Pierce or Noah James Pierce. I like the way they both sound.

Oliver: Well now that the hard part is over, we need to get the party planned. Who should we have plan it?

Liv: I think we should let Daria do it.

Oliver: I'm sure she'd be fine with that. We can go over to her house later and give her the paper.

*2 weeks later*

We're all at Daria's house for the gender reveal party. Daria invited the gang and then she invited over Bille, Peyton, Lexi, Kevin, Seth, and Becky. Seth and Lexi were going to be part of the reveal since she's the Smack down Women's Champion and he's the WWE Champion after beating Randy Orton at Stomping Grounds. The party was really fun and now was the moment of truth.

Sonya: Lexi and Seth please go inside and wait until your cue. Now Oliver and Gionna have given me the job to reveal the gender of the baby. In my hand I have the gender of your baby. Are you two ready to find out?

Liv & Oliver: Yes.

Billie & Peyton: Awwww you sound like us.

Oliver: You two are rubbing off on me.

Sonya: Okay, Gionna and Oliver. In the future my Niece or Nephew will be competing for this championship.

Daria pulls out her phone and gets ready to play the theme song of the person.

All the girls: Let's go Lexi

All the guys: Let's go Seth.

There is a long dramatic pause and Daria is smiling.

Oliver: Jesus tell us already.

Liv: The suspense is killing me.

Sonya: Fine, you guys are no fun.

Daria plays the theme song and I was so happy when I heard "Burn it down".

Sonya: It's a boy!!!

Liv: Oh lord, now I'll have two Oliver's on my hands.

Oliver: You act like that's a bad thing.

Liv: It's not, just so you know he's going to be a mama's boy.

Oliver: I don't know about that. 

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