The Return?

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*2 Months Later*

Today, is a big day for me. For the first time since my accident I'm stepping into a ring. I went to the PC and I'm going to be starting from scratch I'm going to basics, I walked in and was met by Coach Bloom, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H. I went into the locker room to change and then the day from hell began. We started out with weights and cardio then we went over to the rings to do some drills.

Coach: How are you doing in there?

Oliver: I'm good. It's like riding a bike.

Coach: That's what I like to hear. 3 more sets and you can take a break.

I pushed through the last 3 sets and then I laid in the ring.

I went and had some water and I was sitting down talking with Triple H and I saw two people that I never thought I'd see in WWE again.

Oliver: What are they doing here? I thought they were done for good.

Triple H: Don't get me started. I got into it with Vince on that decision. He brought them back because he thought they would get scooped up by AEW and didn't want to risk it.

Oliver: That was a dumb move.

Triple H: Hopefully they go to Smack down because I can't stand them. I don't want to deal with them on Raw.

Coach Bloom came over to us and broke up our conversation.

Coach: Ready to take some bumps?

Oliver: Yeah, who am I getting in the ring with?

Triple H: You're looking at him.

Oliver: No way. I'm getting in there with you?

Triple H: I'll take it easy on you kid.

Oliver: Give me your best Grandpa

I got into the ring with Triple H and we wrestled around for a little bit and then things went pretty bad. I took a bump and landed on my back and I couldn't breathe. I got brought into the trainer's room and got some oxygen and then they checked me out. We talked over possibilities and then I went home and had a decision to make.


A lot has changed since I've been gone. Randy has been having a hell of a run with the WWE Championship, and Ruby lost the Women's Championship to Asuka. We're at the arena and I've been pacing around because I'm super nervous about tonight. I turned around and saw Liv walking towards me and everything felt better.

Liv: Ready for the big announcement?

Oliver: Honestly it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm glad I get to make this announcement here.

Liv: Are you going to tell me what you're going to do?

Oliver: I'm still not even sure what I want to do.

Liv: Well you better make your mind up. You're going out there as soon as the break is over. Just know whatever you decide to do I support you 100%.

Oliver: Thanks babe.

I kissed Liv and then I put a Riott Squad shirt in my back pocket and headed over to Gorilla and I met with Triple H before I walked out to the ring. As soon as Raw came back from break my theme song hit and the crowd went nuts. I looked back at Liv and I went back and hugged and kissed her then I went to the curtain. I took a deep breath and looked back at her one last time before I went out and she gave me a wink and blew me a kiss. I walked through the curtain and started to tear up a little bit. Knowing that all of this almost got taken away from me really made me appreciate it a little more. Before I went to the ring, I walked over to the announce table and hugged Rene and Corey then I got into the ring and hyped the crowd up before I started to talk. The moment I went to talk I was cut off by the "Welcome back" chants. I couldn't help but smile at that. I stopped and took it all in for a moment. Once the crowd stopped I started to talk.

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