Road to Recovery

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I've been home with Liv for two weeks while she's recovering from the concussion. Today, Brie stopped by our house to visit Liv and to apologize for the accident in the ring. While Brie and Liv are talking I stepped outside because Ashley was calling me.

Oliver: Hey sweetie what's up?

Ashley: Hey Uncle Ollie, how's Gionna doing?

Oliver: She's feeling better. How's Chicago?

Ashley: I hate it here. I want to move back so bad. I've lost count of the times I've cried. I miss Michael, and I miss seeing you and Gionna. Please convince mom to let me move with you.

Oliver: Ash you know I love you but I can't. I'm gone half the week and you can't stay by yourself.

Ashley: I'm 18 Uncle Oliver, I think I could take care of myself.

Oliver: Give it some time Ash you've only been there for a few weeks. Who knows you might like it. On the bright side you're going to be here in 2 weeks for Wrestle Mania.

Ashley: I'll give it a try but I'm still going to hate it.

Oliver: I gotta get going kid, I'll see you in a few weeks.

I went back inside and Brie had just left, Liv was sitting on the couch.

Oliver: Babe, I'm about to run to the store. Do you need anything while I'm out?

Liv: Can I come?

Oliver: I'm going to a toy store with Zack and Marty Scurll. You can come if you want but I'm sure you'll be bored.

Liv: I'm good, I'll just stay here. Have fun I'll see you later.

I left the house and felt bad for lying to Liv about where I was going but I knew the end results would be worth it. 2 hours later I returned to home and I found Liv sleeping on the couch, I walked over and kissed her to wake her up.

Liv: You're back a lot sooner than I thought.

Oliver: The store didn't have much I wanted. I did stop and get a surprise for you though.

Liv: What is it?

Oliver: It's outside, close your eyes and I'll be right back.

I went outside to go get the surprise and when I told her to open her eyes she was so shocked.

Oliver: Okay open your eyes.

Oliver: Okay open your eyes

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Liv: Oh my god. She's so cute, I'm in love.

Oliver: I know you've been upset about being injured so I thought she'd cheer you up. Plus Piggles needs a friend.

Liv: Thank you so much Oliver.

Oliver: What are you going to name her?

Liv: Spirit.

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