Bad Company

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Today is our final day of our two week road loop, Liv and I are ready to get home. After we woke up this morning we went to the gym before we headed to the arena. We weren't doing any weights since I was still really sore from last night so we did a lot of cardio then we went and hit the heavy bags for a little bit and did some kickboxing. As we're using the bags, I noticed Liv is putting a little extra on her strikes and kicks, I held the bag to stop it.

Liv: What the hell I was just getting in the groove.

Oliver: Calm down Bruce Lee.

I went and took my gloves off and walked over to the bench. She looked at me for a moment and just by looking at her I knew she had something she needed to get off her chest. I patted the empty spot next to me on the bench and told Liv to come sit down. She walked over and took the seat next to me.

Oliver: You know you're not good at hiding your emotions what's wrong?

Liv: Promise me you won't overreact and do something stupid.

Oliver: Why do I have a feeling this isn't going to end well.

Liv: Promise?

Oliver: I promise, but I'm not doing a pinky promise.

Liv: Fair enough. I never told you this but I used to date Enzo and we broke up because he cheated on me. I probably should have told you this but it was just part of my life I wanted to forget.

Oliver: I met him last night he's a fucking dickhead. You have terrible taste in men by the way.

Liv looked at me and laughed.

Liv: You mean before you right?

Oliver: You know what I was trying to say jerk. What does that walking troll doll have to do with you being upset?

Liv: Last night before I came to you guys, I ran into him, and he wouldn't stop harassing me. I asked him to leave me alone and he wouldn't stop and he kept calling me names.

Oliver: I'll take care of it.

Liv: Please don't do anything that will get you in trouble.

Oliver: I'm going to handle things the right way. We're going to settle it in the ring. Nobody is going to disrespect you and get away with it.

Liv: Thanks baby.

After we left the gym we got to the arena and I went to talk with Triple H. Little did I know while I was talking to Triple H he was at it again.

Triple H: What did you need to talk about Ollie?

Oliver: I want a match with Enzo tonight.

Triple H: Why?

Oliver: He's Liv's Ex and last night he was harassing her. I told her I'd take care of him but I want to do it in the ring so I can embarrass him.

Triple H: You got it. Go knock that little prick down a few pegs.

Oliver: Thanks.

I left Triple H's office and I found Liv sitting in a corner crying and Leah is with her.

Oliver: What's wrong?

Leah: Gionna and I were just talking and Enzo and Cass came over harassing us. They're jealous that we moved on to bigger and better things after breaking up with them.

Oliver: I never knew you dated Cass.

Leah: It doesn't matter now.

Oliver: You two have the worst taste in men.

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