Wedding Bells

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Liv and I arrived back in Orlando and we used these next couple of days home to relax because we knew we were going to have a crazy week ahead of us. Raw was going to be in Chicago on Monday so after the show Liv and I are going to be spending the rest of the week with Brittany and her family because Ashley's wedding is that weekend. Once Ashley and Michael graduated he moved to Chicago to be with her. Today Liv and I are going to go shopping to get our outfits for the wedding. We packed up everything we needed for Noah and then the three of us headed over to the mall. Once we got there Liv went to look for her dress first so that I could find something to match her. After she spent about 2 hours looking for something she finally found the perfect dress.

Liv: I think this is going to be the one babe.

Oliver: Let me see it.

She walks out of the dressing room and she looks amazing.

Oliver: Woah, if I was a cartoon character my eyes would be popping out of my head right now

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Oliver: Woah, if I was a cartoon character my eyes would be popping out of my head right now. How good does Mommy look Noah?

Noah is clapping and smiling.

Liv: I'll take that as he approves.

Oliver: Well it shouldn't be hard to find something to match you since basically everything goes with black.

After I got my outfit we left and we went over to Zack's house later in the night to have dinner with him and Chelsea. It's been a while since we got to spend time with them it was really nice getting back to our somewhat normal life. After we got home from Zack's Liv gave Noah his bath while I took Spirit and Piggles out for our nightly walk, by the time we got back Noah was done with his bath and I was helping Liv while she got him changed into his night time clothes. While Liv was putting his diaper on, he started peeing on her. While he is peeing Noah and I are laughing.

Liv: You think this is funny Oliver?

Oliver: I think it's hilarious, he got me the other day while I was changing him.

Once we finally got him changed Liv went to take a shower then we went into the living room and put Toy Story on and watched it with Noah I was sitting in my recliner and Liv was on the couch, Noah wanted to be with me so he's sitting in the recliner with me and half way through the movie Noah was laying on my chest and he fell asleep and shortly after I fell asleep too. Liv looked over and saw us and she took a picture of us for her Instagram.

@yaonlylivvonce: (picture of me and Noah) This melts my heart, like father like son. Both of my boys couldn't make it through movie night.

Liv walks over and picks Noah up and she wakes me up,

Liv: Come on sweetie let's put him to bed and then we can go to bed too.

We went and got Noah put into his crib and then we went to sleep.


We weren't booked on Raw this week so we were allowed to leave the arena early to go be with Brittany and her family. They lived about 20 minutes away from the arena so we got there in no time. Once we got to their house Noah became the center of attention since none of them have seen him in person yet. While Brittany and Liv were with Erica and Noah, Ashley came into the room and asked if she could talk to me and Steven for a minute. We walked into the other room with her to see what was going on.

Oliver: Everything okay?

Ashley: Yeah, I just want to talk to you guys about the wedding.

Steven: What about it?

Ashley: I was wondering if you'd be upset if Uncle Ollie walked me down the aisle and gave me away.

Steven: I wouldn't be upset at all.

Oliver: Are you sure Ash?

Ashley: Yes, my biological dad walked out on me and you stepped up into the father role for me. I know it's not the same as getting to walk Emma down the aisle but I just thought you'd want to walk me down.

Oliver: I'd be honored to walk you down the aisle Ash.


The day is finally here Ashley and Michael are getting married. Liv and I got to the venue early with Brittany and Steven and were all getting ready. Liv is doing Ashley's makeup for her and I walked over to Brittany as she was tearing up. I put my arm around her and brought her in for a side hug.

Oliver: She's not our little girl anymore dude. She's a grown woman now.

Brittany: I don't know how to feel right now. I'm happy and I'm sad.

Oliver: She's going to be in good hands Britt don't worry.

*2 hours later*

The wedding has officially started Michael is already waiting for her at the altar. Ashley is standing next to me with her arm wrapped around mine and I look her in the eyes and I fight back tears.

Ashley: Don't cry Uncle Ollie.

Oliver: I can't help it. You're not the same little girl I remember holding in my arms all those years ago.

Ashley: I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. You have no idea how much it means to me.

Oliver: I'd do it again if I had to. I love you kiddo.

Ashley: I love you too Uncle Ollie.

*Here comes the bride starts playing*

Oliver: They're playing your theme song kid you ready?

Ashley: So this is what it's like being a wrestler?

Oliver: Yup, you ready?

Ashley: Let's do this.

We walked down the aisle and I gave her away to Michael. I went and took my seat next to Liv and watched the ceremony. After the ceremony was over and they were officially married we went and took pictures and then we went to the reception. After Ashley and Michael had their first dance it was time for the father daughter dance. I met Ashley on the dance floor and the DJ played the song and we started to dance

Oliver: Thank you for letting me do this with you tonight. You have no idea how happy you made me.

Ashley: Dad will get to do this with Erica. You lost your opportunity to do this with Emma so I wanted to let you at least have the experience.

I hugged Ashley as we were dancing and I shed a few tears and then I kissed her head. She looked up and me and we both cried.

Oliver: I love you sweetie.

Ashley: Not as much as I love you Uncle Ollie.

The rest of the night was awesome, it was definitely a night I'll never forget.

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