Self Reflection

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Tomorrow we leave for Hawaii. We spent the day catching up on things we needed to go around the house and we went with Noah to the park for a little. After we got home we had dinner then gave Noah his bath and we watched a movie. It got late so we decided that were going to call it a night, after we put Noah to sleep we got into our bed and went to sleep. I had a hard time sleeping I was tossing and turning and I didn't want to wake Liv so I got out of bed and went outside and sat by the pool for a while to clear my mind. Spirit woke up as I walked past her and she followed me outside and sat next to me while I looked out at the night sky. I started looking through my phone at pictures I've taken throughout the past 2 years and looked back and reflected on the person I was back then. I realized that pictures don't change only the people in them do, at times I've been insensitive to everyone that has always been there for me. At times I made things all about me when in the big picture I wouldn't be who I am now if it wasn't for everyone close to me. I went back inside and then I walked into Noah's room and just sat there and watched him sleep for a little bit. I finally started to get tired so I went back to our room I got back into bed and I accidentally woke Liv up.

Liv: Where have you been?

Oliver: I've been outside by the pool just thinking.

Liv: Well get some rest we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

She leans over and kisses me.

Liv: Goodnight honey.

Oliver: Goodnight babe.

The next morning we woke up and got ready to head to the airport for Hawaii. I finished loading up the Jeep while Liv was getting Noah ready. Once we got to the airport we met up with Zack, Chelsea, Ruby, Sarah, Ray, Daria, Finn, Curt, and Mandy. Triple H lent us one of the company jets to use so we could have the kids fly comfortably. While we were on the jet I decided the time was right to let everyone know how I feel.

Oliver: I need to get something off my chest and I feel like now is the right time to do it.

Liv: Is everything okay?

Oliver: Yeah, I just have some stuff that I need to let out before the wedding because I don't want to take away from our moment. I just want to say that I'm sorry. I spent some time last night reflecting on life and I've realized that I haven't always been the most caring person. I got so caught up in my issues and my problems that I never really stopped to think about you guys and what you were going through in your lives. From here on out I'm going to stop putting myself first and I'm going to think about you guys before myself. If it wasn't for each and every one of you right here I wouldn't be where I am today. I just wanted to let you guys know that I really do appreciate you guys and I really do care. I think becoming a father again and almost losing everything made me realize that things aren't always about me. I'm sorry if I ever made any of you feel like I didn't care about you.

Ruby: You don't have to apologize Ollie.

Oliver: I just felt bad that's all.

Ruby: Well don't we know you care about us.

*A few days later*

We're just got home from the rehearsal dinner and now we're outside with everyone hanging out and just talking. I was looking at my phone at YouTube videos to keep Noah and Athena occupied and I came across something and I just started laughing.

Sarah: What's so funny.

Oliver: You'll never guess what I just stumbled upon on YouTube.

Liv: What did you find?

Oliver: Someone right here has some musical talent. Any idea who that could be?

As I said that I can see Zack getting mad.

Zack: Don't you dare Ollie.

Curt: If it's what I think it is then play it.

Oliver: Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Zack Ryder and his hit single "Hoeski"

After the song plays everyone is laughing at Zack.

Oliver: Alright enough with the jokes. To be honest I actually liked it.

Zack: You're such an asshole sometimes.

Oliver: Language there are children present

Some time goes by and it's starting to get a little bit late. Everyone is slowly starting to call it a night so I went into the house with Liv and Noah. Once we got to our room I kissed Liv.

Oliver: Well this is where I leave you my love.

Liv: What do you mean?

Oliver: I'm not spending the night with you. We're getting married tomorrow and I don't want to see you until the wedding.

Liv looks at me with a pout

Liv: Ugh fine, I don't know how I'll sleep though.

Oliver: You'll be fine. Enjoy the night off too, I'm taking Noah with me so you can get some good rest and not have to worry about him waking you up.

Liv: I'm going to miss my boys.

Oliver: I'll see you in the morning babe. I love you.

Liv: I love you too honey.

Liv and I kissed then she kissed Noah. Noah and I got into the rental car and headed to the hotel for the night. When Noah and I got to our room I put on Disney Plus and we watched the Lion King until he fell asleep. I took a pic of him sleeping in the bed and sent it to Liv.

Oliver: (Pic of Noah) Look at our little man he didn't even finish the Lion King.

Liv: Awww I miss him already.

Oliver: I'm going to bed. Love you.

Liv: Love you too.

Before I went to bed, I posted a picture of Liv and I on my Instagram.

@oliverpiercewwe: In less than 24 hours I'm going to marry the love of my life. I can't wait.

After I posted the picture I put Noah into his crib and went to sleep. 

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