Divided We Fall

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Raw started off with the Women's Tag Team Championship, Liv and Sarah were defending against Chelsea and Deonna. After Billie and Peyton got involved Chelsea and Deonna picked up the win to become the new Women's Tag Team Champions. After the match the camera cut to me watching Chelsea and Deonna celebrate and I was pissed.

Charly: Oliver, last night at Elimination Chamber you won the opportunity to compete at Wrestle Mania for a title of your choice. Do you have an answer to what title that will be?

Oliver: I know what title I want.

Charly: Do you care to tell us?

Oliver: Just watch and see and maybe you might get your question answered.

Charly: One more question. What are your thoughts on the Riott Squad losing the Women's Tag Team Championships moments ago?

Oliver: Wow look at you with all the hard hitting questions did they teach you that in journalism school? How do you think I feel? You know what let me take that back I'm sure you don't think because if you did think you wouldn't have asked me that stupid question. You're just another one of those mindless robotic interviewers let me flip the script on you for a second. How do you think I feel?

Charly: Well I'd imagine that you're quiet upset.

Oliver: Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner ladies and gentlemen, you know Charly you're not as dumb as you look. Let me tell you one thing the Riott Squad just had an off night, they'll bounce back. Now if you'll excuse me I have a decision to make.

Later in the night AJ went down to the ring with Gallows and Anderson.

AJ: I'm sure you are all wondering why I'm not out here with the rest of the Bullet Club. Well I'll tell you why, Finn and Oliver both have title opportunities at Wrestle Mania and they both haven't decided who they're going to face and that worries me a little bit.

AJ was cut off when Finn's theme song came on. Finn came down to the ring and grabbed a mic.

Finn: AJ, calm down lad. I don't know why you're so bothered about it. I'm out here to let you know I've made my choice.

AJ: Well I don't know about all of you but I can't wait for Finn Balor vs Shinskue Nakamaura for the Universal Championship at Wrestle Mania.

Finn: I never said I was facing Nakamaura.

The Riott Squad theme came on and I made my way to the ring along with the girls.

Oliver: We can't have a club meeting without the rest of us out here. I have a title opportunity at Wrestle Mania too guys. Don't you want to know who I'm going to pick?

AJ: I just can't believe the two of you. Finn you and I have been running the WWE together for the last 6 months and you have to hide in the shadows and make me wonder if you're going to turn your back on me. Ollie I took you under my wing and made your damn career.

Finn: If it wasn't for me handing you the Bullet Club you'd just be another washed up TNA reject working on the indys. You wouldn't be holding that WWE Championship if I didn't let you into the Bullet Club. Hell I just think you're afraid to step into the ring with me again because the last time you did the match ended with you looking up at the lights and me getting my hand held in victory.

AJ: You think you're better than me Finn? Check my track record, multi time United States Champion, I held this WWE championship for a year. What have you done Finn? You were Universal Champion for less than 24 hours.

Oliver: If the two of you are done with the dick measuring competition I'd like to say a few words.

AJ: Shut your mouth kid the grown ups are talking.

Oliver: No you shut your mouth AJ. Everyone is tired of you running around here thinking you are God's gift to professional wrestling. Somebody needs to knock you down a few pegs.

AJ: You need to shut up and think about where you came from. I made you who you are today and I can end you today if I want to. If I were you I'd sit there and shut the hell up and let the adults finish talking.

I was about to step to AJ but I felt Liv grab my arm so I backed down.

Finn: You know what AJ I made my decision and I'll see you at Wrestle Mania. I'm going to take that WWE Championship away from you and bring it home where it belongs.

Oliver: So now we run into a little problem. You see, I was actually going to challenge AJ at Wrestle Mania. Man did this get awkward quick.

AJ: Well Oliver that might be a blessing for you that Finn chose me because we all know what would have happened to you if you actually got the match against me.

Oliver: Yeah, I'd be walking out of Wrestle Mania 2 years in a row with the WWE Championship.

AJ: Actually, you'd be taking after your loser fiancé and would be walking out of Wrestle Mania with your head held down in defeat.

Oliver: AJ you can talk as much trash about me as you want but you leave Liv's name out of your god damn mouth you understand me? If you mention her again I'll hit you so hard those two bald idiots behind you will feel it. Finn you may have challenged AJ first but I also want a shot at the WWE Championship at Wrestle Mania.

AJ: Look at you kid, you finally grew a pair of balls I'm impressed.

Finn: 3 former leaders of the Bullet Club in the main event of Wrestle Mania for the WWE Championship. I think that itself right there would sell out Wrestle Mania.

Oliver: I'm sure AJ is too much of a pussy to take that option.

AJ: Woah, Ollie where did all of this come from? Liv must have let you have your balls back. Sorry kid you took too long and Finn beat you to the punch.

Oliver: Actually he didn't.

I threw the mic down and went after AJ. Gallows and Anderson tried to get me off of AJ but Finn hit Anderson with a drop kick and now Finn and I are taking it to AJ and Gallows. Liv, Ruby, and Sarah got out of the ring but they're on the outside cheering me on. I hit Gallows with a Codebreaker and then threw him out of the ring and now Finn and I are double teaming AJ I connected with a roundhouse kick and then Finn nailed him with 1916. Now Finn and I are face to face and we're about to throw down but Kurt Angle makes his way out. AJ is on the outside with Gallows and Anderson now.

Kurt: Alright guys enough. Now I see we have a little issue and I'm out here to resolve it. Oliver and Finn you both want a shot at AJ and the WWE Championship so as Raw General Manager I've made a decision. On March 28th in Inglewood California in the Main Event of Wrestle Mania 37 it will be AJ Styles defending his WWE Championship against Finn Balor and Oliver Pierce in a Triple Threat match. Good luck Gentlemen and may the best man win.

*After the show*

Liv, Ruby, Sarah and I went to get some food after the show. We didn't have the kids because Daria volunteered to watch them for us tonight.

Oliver: I'm not going to lie I've missed this a lot.

Ruby: I do too, it brings back old memories.

Sarah: Who would have thought the night we let Oliver ride with us we'd be where we are today.

Liv: You guys can thank me for that.

Ruby: Yeah, because you thought he was cute.

Oliver: To be fair, I thought she was cute too but I was going on a date with Lexi and Liv had a boyfriend so I didn't move on it. Looking back now I'm glad I didn't.

Liv: In the end it all worked out for the best.

Oliver: It's crazy how much we've all grown in the past 2 years.

Liv: I just want to say that I love you guys so much.

Ruby: We love you too.

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