On The Road Again

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*6 Months Later*

The past 6 months have been great with Noah being home, he's been a real joy he's the perfect baby. He sleeps through the night and is never cranky at all he really takes after Liv and I. I'm back on the road now, not like before I'm still doing producer things and Liv hasn't come back yet I'm mostly doing NXT stuff at the PC and Full Sail. I've been coaching and going on the NXT Florida Live Events. Tonight, Raw is in Orlando so I'll be going there with Liv so we can introduce Noah to everyone. Before Raw Sarah and Ray came over with Athena and we let the kids spend some time together. A little later in the day we arrived at the arena, not very many people were there yet so we went over to introduce Noah to Triple H and Stephanie. We knocked on the door and Steph came to open it.

Steph: Hey, guys welcome back. Let me see the little guy.

Liv hands Noah over to Steph and she's so happy to see him.

Steph: He's precious, he looks just like Oliver.

Oliver: Thanks Steph.

Liv: He's such a good baby.

Triple H: When can we sign him to NXT?

Liv: Easy now, let him at least learn how to walk first.

Oliver: He's going to have some great teachers.

Triple H: I have a question for you two.

Liv: What's that?

Triple H: How do you feel about an in-ring return.

Oliver: I don't know. We still have the wedding coming up and I'm not going to lie I like being a stay at home Dad.

Liv: What are we going to be doing?

Triple H: Well at the moment we only have an idea for you. We were thinking about trying something different with Oliver.

Oliver: What do you want to do with me?

Triple H: Well we decided to try out a 4 person booth on commentary and I was thinking you'd be able to go out there with Rene, Graves, and Cole.

Oliver: Can we talk about it and let you know?

Triple H: Sure, just let me know soon.

Liv: Okay.

We left Triple H's office and went to catering to try and figure out what we were going to do. Once we got to catering, we saw Ruby.

Liv: Rue Rue, we're back.

Ruby: Hey guys.

Oliver: Why do you sound so sad?

Ruby: No reason, just having a bad day.

Liv: Well I know what will make you feel better.

I picked Noah up out of his stroller and handed him over to Ruby.

Ruby: Aww my little man. Okay now I feel better. What are you guys doing here anyway? I didn't think you were coming back yet.

Oliver: Neither did we.

Liv: Triple H wants us to come back, well he wants me back and he wants Oliver on commentary.

Ruby: What are you guys going to do?

Oliver: We were going to talk about it.

Ruby: If you guys want a few minutes I'll watch Noah so you can talk.

Liv: That's Rue Rue.

I took Liv by the hand and we walked somewhere private to talk about everything.

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