Wrestle Mania

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When I woke up this morning, I was so happy. I rolled over to shut the alarm off and was met by a kiss from Liv as soon as I turned around.

Oliver: How's my beautiful fiancé doing this morning?

Liv: Amazing, I'm still on cloud 9 after last night. 

Oliver: I've been wanting to do it since Christmas but I wanted to wait until the time was right plus Michael stole my thunder, we couldn't have two proposals in the same day.

Liv: You excited for tonight?

Oliver: I am. I honestly don't care if I win tonight because I'm going to marry you and that's way better than any Championship.

Liv: That's sweet. Are we still meeting up with Brittany and the family before we head to the stadium?

Oliver: Yeah, we're going to be a little late though.

Liv: Why's that?

I started kissing her neck and then we were making out. An hour later we're both lying on the bed out of breath. We kissed and then we gave each other a high five.

Liv: Holy shit Oliver. That was amazing.

Oliver: Hopefully we didn't wake up whoever is in the room next to us.

Liv: If we did they'll get over it.

We got showered and dressed then met up with Brittany and the family for breakfast. Once we arrived at the restaurant everyone was so happy to see each other.

Oliver: How's everyone been?

Brittany: Not bad, Chicago isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Steven: Works going well. Really happy to be on vacation though.

Ashley: I still hate it.

Brittany: Stop being a brat Ashley.

Steven: How's things going with you guys?

Oliver: They couldn't be better. I actually have some big news to tell you guys.

Brittany: What is it?

Liv shows them her hand.

Liv: We're getting married.

Ashley: No way, that's awesome.

Brittany: I'm so happy for you guys.

Steven: Congrats buddy.

We proceed to eat breakfast then when we were finished. We were in the parking lot getting ready to go our separate ways because Liv and I had to go to the stadium for walk throughs

Once we got to the stadium, I put my stuff up and went to go check out the set for the show. I was wearing my chalk line Shawn Michaels shorts and my Wrestle Mania 36 tank top and snapback. I stopped half way down the ramp to take it all in, all of the sudden I felt arms wrap around me and as soon as I turned my head it was Liv.

Oliver: There's my beautiful fiancée.

Liv: Are you going to say that every time you see me?

Oliver: Probably. Don't act like you don't like it.

Liv: I don't like it, I love it. Whatcha doing?

Oliver: Just checking out how awesome this all is. I'm so proud of myself for everything I've been able to accomplish in my life. I still remember watching as a kid and getting in trouble by my mom for doing the DX crotch chops, or giving someone the middle finger cause I saw Stone Cold do it. This is so unreal I'm about to main event Wrestle Mania.

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