Elimination Chamber

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We arrived in San Jose for Elimination Chamber tonight. I'm having mixed feelings about tonight because on one hand I'm really excited to be competing in my first ever Elimination Chamber but on the other hand I'm just in wedding mode and want to get everything over with so I can finally marry the woman of my dreams. I'm stepping into the ring tonight with some of the very best if I want a title match at Wrestle Mania I have to survive inside the chamber tonight against Tommaso Ciampa, Velveteen Dream, Randy Orton, Aleister Black, and Richochet. I went and put my things up in the locker room and then I went out to the ring to check out the chamber, while I was out there I saw Sarah and she had Athena with her.

Sarah: Hey, Ollie.

Oliver: How's it going girls?

Sarah: Good just wanted to bring Athena down to the ring.

Oliver: Hand her over. I need to see me niece.

Sarah hands Athena over to me and I'm holding her in the air pretending she's an airplane and she's loving it.

Oliver: She is basically your twin dude it's insane. I can't wait until her and Noah get married.

Sarah: I bet they would have some cute babies.

Oliver: We're putting all this thought into this and watch when they grow up they'll hate each other.

Sarah: Let's just see what happens. What are you doing out here?

Oliver: I was going to check out the chamber. I've never been inside of it and I wanted to feel it out a little bit before I got into it later tonight. I have some time because Liv is with Noah right now so I figured I'd take advantage of it.

Sarah: Well go prepare yourself for the match. I'll catch up with you later.

I walked down to the ring and as soon as I got close to the chamber I was in shock at how huge it was. I slowly stepped inside of it and once I did I grabbed hold of the chains and shook them back and forth a little bit, then I stepped inside one of the pods to see what that was like. I was sitting down in the corner of the ring just looking at the whole thing and taking it all in while trying to visualize some spots. I looked over to the ramp and I saw Liv walking down with Noah, they entered the chamber and Noah was reaching out for me so Liv put him down and he crawled over to me. I picked him up and walked over to Liv and gave her a kiss.

Liv: You okay?

Oliver: Just a little nervous that's it.

Liv: Woah, I never would have thought you'd be nervous before a match.

Oliver: It's just I've never been in the chamber before I know how dangerous it could be and I know in big matches I like to do stupid stuff sometimes. That was all fine before but now that we have Noah I can't take as many risks as I once did.

Liv: Listen babe, you're a great wrestler and you're going to put on one hell of a match. Just take a deep breath and remember you got this. No matter what happens I'll be proud of you and Noah will be proud of you, we love you Daddy.

Oliver: Thanks babe, I needed to hear that. I think sometimes I can just get into my own head and I just needed to be brought back to reality. I won't do anything stupid.

Liv: That's all I ask.

Liv and I left the ring and went to the back and got ready for the show.

During the show AJ defeated Johnny to retain the WWE Championship. Now it's time for the main event which is the Elimination Chamber where the winner gets a championship match of their choice at Wrestle Mania. The match starts off with Randy Orton and Aleister Black. I was released from my pod right before the last person, 5 minutes after I came into the match Ciampa entered and everyone was in the ring and it was all out chaos. Randy was the first one eliminated after taking a brutal Black Mass, Richochet was taken out by Project Ciampa. We're down to me, Velveteen Dream, Tommaso Ciampa, and Aleister Black.

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