The Downfall

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Summer Slam is in two weeks and tonight I'm set to confront Triple H.  Liv and Ruby are going to be defending the Tag titles against Sasha and Bayley.

In the middle of the show there is a match between Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza. The match didn't last long because I made my way out and beat the two of them down then I threw them both out of the ring and signaled over to Mike Rome for a mic.

Oliver: Hunter I know your back there hiding somewhere. I've been looking for you all night. Get your ass out here and face me like a man.

I waited and nothing so I went outside the ring and pushed the time keeper off of his chair and brought it into the ring and sat down.

Oliver: I got all night Hunter, I'm going to sit my ass in this ring and wait for you.

Finally, Triple H made his way out to the ring and he has a contract in his hands.

Triple H: You got what you wanted. I'm here so what's next?

Oliver: What the hell was that about last week? You were the last person I would have ever thought would their back on me.

Triple H: You can't stay away from this Oliver, I proved that last week after I attacked you. You won't give this up and it was eating you inside that you had to retire. Why? Because of these people? Let me tell you something Oliver these people don't give a damn about you. You owe them nothing they didn't make you I did. You don't get to end things on your terms, you end them when I tell you that you're ending it. In my hands is a contract for Summer Slam and it's for a match between the two of us. If you want your revenge all you have to do is sign on the dotted line next to me. I signed before I got out here all you have to do is sign and you can get your revenge the choice is yours Ollie.

Oliver: I'm not going back on my word to my family.

Triple H: Cut the crap Oliver, you don't give a damn about your family. All you care about is being in this ring. If you care about your family then why are you out here right now calling me out? You're a junkie for this Oliver, you and I both know that.

Triple H handed me the contract and now it's in my hand.

Triple H: Go ahead Oliver sign it. Remember I was the one that created you and once you sign that at Summer Slam, I'm going to be the one that destroys you.

Oliver: No Hunter, at Summer Slam I'm going to be the one that destroys you.

I signed the contract and threw it to the ground and got in his face.

Triple H: You really should read things before you sign them. The match you just made official between us is a No Holds Barred match. I'll see you at Summer Slam bitch.


Triple H and I both walked through the curtain and Liv and Ruby were there because they were up next. Before the match I kissed Liv and as she was walking away I smacked her ass. She turned around to look at me and she was biting her bottom lip as she winked at me.

Oliver: Sorry I couldn't help myself you know that's my favorite gear. Your ass looks so good in it.

She runs over to me and whispers in my ear.

Liv: After the show me and you are going to have some fun.

Oliver: I like the way that sounds.

I kissed Liv and as she walked away I smacked her ass again. She looks back at me and smiled.

Oliver: That one was for good luck.

She blew me a kiss and then went through the curtain with Ruby. The match begins and Liv and Ruby are going after Bayley and Sash with a vengeance after they cheated them last week.

*End of match*

Ruby hits Sasha with a Riott kick and went for the cover but Bayley was coming into the ring to break it up as Liv was going to stop Bayley she pushed Liv into Ruby causing the pin to be broken up. Bayley then hit Liv with a Bayley to belly and then Sasha locked Ruby into the Bank Statement Liv tried to break up the submission but she was too late, and just like that we have new Women's Tag Team Champions. After Bayley and Sasha run out of the ring Ruby and Liv are starting to argue.

Ruby: What the hell Liv? Thanks to you we lost the titles.

Liv: Ruby I'm sorry.

Liv went to hug Ruby but Ruby wasn't having it and she started to beat Liv down. The crowd is booing Ruby before she leaves the ring she grabs a mic.

Ruby: You're right Liv you are sorry. You're the weak link of the Riott Squad. Since Sarah is gone and I just took out the dead weight the Riott Squad is dead.

Liv was trying to get up but Ruby kicked her in the face and walked out of the ring. Liv was lying in the ring sad because her best friend turned her back on her. I came running down to check on Liv on the way down I stopped and Ruby got in my face.

Oliver: What the hell is wrong with you?

She didn't say a word she just stared at me and brushed me with her shoulder as she walked away. I got in the ring to check on Liv and I helped her to the back. Once we got to the back Liv, Ruby, and Sarah all shared a group hug as they were all crying.

Liv: I'm going to miss the Riott Squad.

Ruby: I am too, we've been together for so long it's going to be weird being on our own.

Sarah: I feel like this is all my fault.

Liv: Girl don't say that. It's nobodies' fault. It was just time for us to spread our wings.

Ruby: Look at it as more of a way to prove how good we are as individuals. Everyone knows what we can do as a team now it's time to show the world what we can do on our own.

Oliver: I don't want to interrupt this moment but I do want to say one thing. I said this the night we got split up in the shake up but I think you guys need to hear it again. The bond the four of us have is greater than any break up. We'll always be together and we'll always be in each other's hearts. We win we Riott, we lose we Riott, but most importantly TOGETHER we Riott.

We all shared a hug then Ruby and Liv went to change. I pulled Sarah aside and talked to her.

Oliver: You okay Sarah?

Sarah: I feel like none of this would have happened if I didn't get pregnant.

Oliver: That's not true, who knows what would have happened things change here all the time.

Sarah: I just feel like it's all my fault. I'm not going to lie I'm scared Ollie. I don't know the first thing about being a parent.

Oliver: Let me stop you right there. It's not your fault one bit, we're all in a stage in our lives where we're growing as performers and as individuals. You and Ray are going to be parents I can tell you first hand that is going to change your life so much. Gionna and I are going to get married and eventually start our own family. I know you and Ray will be great parents, you may be scared now but the moment you hold that baby in your arms you're not going to be scared anymore.

Sarah: Thanks Ollie, I appreciate the pep talk.

Oliver: No problem dude, you know I gotta look out for my little sis. I love you dude.

Sarah: I love you too.

Oliver: I'll always be here for advice on being a parent if you and Ray need it.

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