He's Here

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*6 months later*

This morning I was working out at the PC for a little bit after I got done with a production meeting. When I got home, I saw Liv in the kitchen cooking breakfast. As soon as she turned around, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her big belly.

Oliver: How are you today Mama?

Liv: I'm so ready for this kid to get out. I want my body back.

I walked over Liv and kissed her then I got down on my knee.

Oliver: Hey buddy, Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you. Whenever you're ready to come out of there we'll be ready to see you Noah. For Daddy's sake hopefully you come out soon so Mommy isn't so grumpy anymore.

Liv: You know I can hear you right?

Oliver: I'm just kidding Noah, Mommy isn't grumpy at all. *Whispers* Yes she is come out soon please.

Liv is trying not to laugh at me but she's fighting it and she eventually gave in.

Liv: I can still hear you Oliver, you're such a goof. You don't really think that's going to help do you?

Oliver: Can't hurt a guy for trying.

Liv: Do you still want to go over to Sarah and Ray's house later to see Athena? They just brought her home last week.

Oliver: Yeah, I just have to shower really quick and get changed. Are the bags packed for the hospital just in case?

Liv: Yeah, I have both bags already packed they're on the floor right by the closet.

I went and took a shower then we headed over to Sarah and Ray's house. We spent the day with them and then around 8 pm we headed home. We were sitting outside by the pool for a while then we decided to go to bed. Around 2 am Liv woke me up.

Liv: Oliver wake up.

Oliver: *groggy* What?

Liv: I think your talk with Noah worked earlier. My water broke, he's coming.

Oliver: Oh shit. I'll get the bags.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed the first shirt I found and put my shoes on. I grabbed the bags and threw them in the back of the Jeep and we were on the way to the hospital. I got down to the end of the street and my phone started ringing.

Oliver: Hello.

Liv: You forgot something at home.

Oliver: I grabbed everything what are you talking about?

Liv: Oliver, you left me home.

Oliver: Oof, I'm sorry I'll be right there.

I put the Jeep in reverse and went back to get Liv. I helped her in and we were on the way to the hospital. Liv let out a scream and scared me.

Oliver: You okay?

Liv: Oliver, get me to the fucking hospital right now.

I started speeding to the hospital and a cop came right behind me with the lights on.

Oliver: Fuck.

I pulled over to the side of the road and the cop came over. I rolled my window down.

Officer: Sir is there a reason why you were going 100 mph? The speed limit is 45

Oliver: Umm yeah, you see this beautiful girl next to me? Well if I don't get her to the hospital soon one of us is going to be delivering our son. I don't know about you but I've never delivered a baby before.

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