Let Me In

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We got Paul a ticket to the show tonight so he rode with Liv and I to Rhode Island for Raw. We had Paul drop us off since we didn't want to bring him backstage because we didn't want him doing anything stupid to get us in trouble. We put our things away and then went to meet up with our friends. Sarah is off of the road now since she is 3 months pregnant, she wanted to stop with the traveling. Liv should be off the road soon she's only 2 weeks behind Sarah. We went over to catering and saw Ruby, Finn, Zack, and Curt all sitting there so we sat down and joined them.

Ruby: There's Mommy and Daddy.

Oliver: What's up guys?

Zack: You ready for tonight?

Oliver: What's going on?

Curt: Me, you, and Broski are teaming up against Andrade, Garza, and Theory.

Oliver: You mean me and you are going to be in a 3 on 2 handicap match. Let's be honest Broski is going to make us do all the work then come in for a big spot and then tag out.

Everyone is busting out laughing and Zack is looking at me like he's mad.

Zack: Fuck you guys. You guys are the worst best friends ever.

Oliver: It's all out of love.

Curt: I see you over there Liv. That belly is starting to show a little.

Liv: I know it's so cute. I still can't believe there is a baby growing inside of me.

Oliver: I have to go get ready for the show. I'll see you all later.

I gave Liv a kiss and then I went to get ready for the night.

*Later in the night*

The match was a pretty solid one and the ending was me hitting Austin Theory with a roundhouse kick and he turned into a Rough Ryder and Zack picked up the win.

Mike Rome: Here are your winners the Raw Tag Team Champions Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins and Oliver Pierce.

As we're in the ring celebrating the Firefly Fun house comes on.

Bray: Well, well, well, if it isn't my old pal Oliver. Yowie Wowie is that Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins too? Ramblin Rabbit is your biggest fan. It's nice to be around your friends isn't it? I wouldn't know, all of my friends left me. That was really mean of them to do. You know what I made a new friend, do you want to see my new friend Oliver?

The screen has an effect of Bray and The Fiend and then it goes back normal.

*Bray in trance*

Bray is sitting in a rocking chair and he's holding something in his arms that's covered by a sheet as he's rocking back and forth.

Bray: If I were you, I'd hold the ones you love the most as close as you can. Because once he's done with you, they may lose you forever. You know what it feels like to lose someone you love forever don't you Ollie?

(Bray laughing then turns normal again)

Bray: I think it's time for you to meet my new friend.

Bray moves the sheet and it's a little girl doll but he put a cut out of Emma's face over the dolls and made it look like The Fiend a little

Bray: Isn't she beautiful.


The screen is doing that effect again and it's going between Bray and The Fiend and then once it comes back to normal The Fiend is holding the doll and he's rocking back and forth singing "Twinkle twinkle little star*

Fiend: LET ME IN!

The screen went blank and Bray and The Fiend are gone. I'm zoned out I have no idea how to react to that. Zack came over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and I pushed it off.

Zack: Don't let him get to you.

Curt: He's just trying to get in your head.

I'm pacing back and forth and I'm leaning on the top rope and Curt came over and put him arm around me and I turned around and shoved him to the ground.

Curt: What the hell man?

Zack: Oliver calm down.

I started to attack Zack and Curt. I threw both of them out of the ring and then I collapsed into the corner and then the lights went out one by one. When they came back on The Fiend was in the ring doing that creepy spider walk towards me and now, we're face to face and he's just laughing at me. I'm looking him right in the eyes and I'm not showing any fear at all. The lights go out again and when they came back he was gone. On my walk up the ramp I knew I fucked up by not telling Liv about the Firefly Fun house tonight. I walked to through the curtain Liv came running over to me and hugged me I knew she was crying.

Oliver: I'm sorry babe, I should have told you what was going to happen. I just didn't want you to get upset.

Liv: I can't believe Bray involved Emma in this.

Oliver: He didn't it was my idea.

Liv: Seriously?

Oliver: Yeah, I had to convince him to do it. He didn't want to do it at all. I just wanted it to give me more motivation going into the match.

Liv: Well as long as you're okay with it so am I.

*Stomping Grounds*

Liv and I arrived at the arena a little bit earlier because we had to do a pre tape. As we're walking in Kayla Braxton comes up to us in the parking lot for an interview.

Kayla: Oliver, tonight you go one on one with The Fiend. Earlier this week on Raw he seemed to really get the best of you. Do you have anything to say about your attack on your friends Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins?

Oliver: Kayla, I lost my cool and I took it out on Zack and Curt. Now we've talked and everything is fine between us. Tonight, my main focus is on The Fiend and then when I'm done with him, I'm going to turn my attention to Randy Orton and win back my WWE Championship.

Kayla: What do you have to say about Bray involving your daughter in this whole thing?

Oliver: Bray Wyatt has no idea what he's gotten himself into tonight.

Liv grabs my hand.

Liv: Come on babe let's go.

We walk away from Kayla and head into the arena. An hour into the show it was time for me to meet The Fiend. I made my way to the ring and waited for The Fiend to make his way out. As soon as the bell rings The Fiend is all over me, I can't get any offense in at all. The Find connects with Sister Abigail and then he drops to his knees and holds his hands up to his head and he's going crazy. He looks at his hand and he's looking at the glove that says heal. The Fiend picks me up again and connects with another Sister Abigail and puts me away for the win. The lights go out and when they come back on The Fiend is gone.


Once we made it to the back Bray and I were talking for a little bit and then I went over to Liv.

Oliver: What do you say we get our stuff and go home.

Liv: What about Raw?

Oliver: The show will go on without me. I have more important things to do right now.

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