I'll Never Stop Loving You Part 1

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*Liv POV*

Oliver should have been home an hour ago, I wonder what's taking him so long. I've tried calling him and he isn't answering his phone. I was going to take Spirit out in the back yard when I heard my phone go off. I picked it up off the couch and it was a number I didn't recognize.

Liv: Hello?

Unknown: Is this Gionna?

Liv: Yes, who is this?

Officer: This is Officer Williams, I'm with the Orlando Police Department.

Liv: Is there something I could help you with?

Officer: I responded to a call about an hour ago that involved an accident. The person that was involved had your number as the last one they were in contact with. Do you have any relation to a Mr. Oliver Pierce?

I started to freak out. I was speechless

Officer: Ma'am are you there?

Liv: Yes...

Officer: Do you have any relation to him?

Liv: He's my fiancé is everything okay?

Officer: He was involved in an accident and he's on his way to the Emergency room right now. He was in pretty bad shape. Will you be able to make it to the hospital?

Liv: Y..y..yes thank you for calling.

Officer: Yes Ma'am. I hope he makes a full recovery.

As soon as I hung up the phone I sat down and put my hands over my face and started crying my eyes out. My mind kept wondering to places I didn't want it to. I was in no shape to drive so I ran over to Zack's house. As soon as I got there, I rang the doorbell non stop. I could hear Zack coming to the door.

Zack: Jesus Christ I'm coming, calm the hell down.

As soon as he opened the door, I fell into his arms crying.

Zack: Gionna what's wrong.

Liv: Ol..ol...ol..

Zack: Calm down Gionna what happened.

Liv: Oliver was in an accident.

Zack: Oh my god. What happened?

Liv: I don't know. He was on his way from the PC and never came home.

Zack: I'll go grab Chelsea and we'll go to the hospital with you.

On the way to the hospital we had to pass the accident scene and when we saw the wreck my I felt a huge knot in my stomach. His truck was flipped completely upside down and the driver side was crushed in. It was something out of my worst nightmare. Chelsea climbed into the backseat of Zack's car with me and held me the whole way to the hospital. As soon as we arrived, I ran into the Emergency room and went to the front desk.

Liv: Excuse me, I'm looking for information on my fiancé. His name is Oliver Pierce.

Woman: He's in surgery right now. I'll let you know as soon as we get an update.

*20 minutes later*

Sarah, Ruby, and Daria all showed up and they were sitting with me while we waited. 2 hours went by and the Doctor finally came out to the waiting room.

Doctor: I'm looking for the family of Oliver Pierce.

Liv: We're right here. I'm his fiancé.

Doctor: Can you come with me please ma'am.

Liv: Can his sister come too?

Doctor: Sure.

Daria and I followed the Doctor through the doors and down a bunch of hallways.

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