End Of An Era

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*16 years later*

**Brief catch up. Noah is now 21 years old, Victoria "Tori" is now 16, I'm now 46, and Liv is 42. After the Riott Squad broke up Liv would go on to be a 3 time Raw Women's Champion, and 5 time Smack down Women's Champion. I've won the WWE Championship 4 more times for a total of 5 reigns, Raw Tag Team Championship 3 more times for a total of 4 reigns, I had a 2nd run with the Intercontinental Championship, 3 time United States Champion, and I successfully cashed in Money in the Bank to become the Universal Champion. I've stepped out of the ring a little bit and I took over Coach Bloom's role as lead trainer at the PC because he retired. Which leads us to current day.**

I was in the ring today doing a one on one training session with a new up and coming talent. The Royal Rumble is next week and this kid was going to make his main roster debut in the Rumble. He has been killing it in NXT he is the current North American Champion but at Takeover he's going to drop the title to move onto the main roster. I took some time out of my busy schedule to help the kid out and we're having a warm up match.


We lock up and the kid is quickly learning that I may be an old grizzled vet now but I can still go. I have a counter for everything he's trying to hit me with. Eventually he caught me slipping and locked in rear naked choke and I submitted.

Oliver: Damn Noah, you don't have to choke me out for real.

Noah: Sorry Dad. I was in the moment. How did I do?

Oliver: How about you help your old man up and we'll talk.

Noah reached his hand out and helped me up. We went over to the ropes to talk.

Oliver: I'm going to be real honest with you because you're my son and I love you and want you to be successful. I've been watching a lot of your matches and you have all the talent in the world but none of that can be appreciated because you move too damn fast. You definitely got your mothers speed but it's going to be your worst enemy. People can't appreciate what you do because you don't give it time to set in their mind. People will remember moments years after they happen. King of the Ring 1998 when Undertaker threw Mankind from the top of the cell and then he went back up top and choke slammed him through the roof onto the mat. I couldn't tell you a damn thing about the rest of that match but 39 years later I remember those exact moments like it was yesterday. You're going to go far in this business but just slow down.

Noah: I will. Thanks for everything Dad. If it wasn't for you being so tough on me in the gym and in the ring I don't think I would have made it this far. Even Mom taught me a lot but I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for the two of you.

Oliver: Don't try and flatter me Noah. We didn't do shit, we gave you the tools you needed and you were the one that busted your ass each and every single day to be the best you could be. You were the one getting extra reps in after hours at the PC not me. You did this on your own, all you did was take the advice that you were given by me and your mother and used it. I'm so proud of you Noah, you turned out to be a great young man I think I did a good job with you. So how about you go out there next week in your Royal Rumble debut and win the god damn thing like your old man couldn't do.

Noah: Not only have you never won the Royal Rumble, you've never beat me either. I got my first Wrestle Mania win at 6 months old when I pinned you.

Oliver: You're not ever going to let me live that down are you?

Noah: Nope not at all.

Oliver: Alright go hit the shower. We have to go to your sister's soccer game in an hour.


Tonight is NXT Takeover Portland and Noah will be defending the North American Championship. Noah's match was up next and I gave him a pep talk before he made his way out.

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