Happy Birthday

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*2 weeks later*

Liv and I are back in Orlando and we're at Zack's house hanging out having a barbecue.

Zack: When are you going to make your decision about Wrestle Mania?

Oliver: I don't know yet, still can't decide.

Zack: I'm sure whoever you pick you'll put on a good match with.

Liv: Hey guys guess what.

Chelsea: What?

Liv: Somebody has a birthday coming up on Friday.

Oliver: Oh, shit you're right. I completely forgot about that.

Zack: How the hell do you forget about your birthday?

Oliver: I really don't care about it anymore. It's just another day.

Liv: Yeah, but it's your day. You have to want to do something.

Oliver: No, I don't think I will.

Liv: Why do you have to make life so difficult?

Oliver: That's just how I am.

We stayed at Zack's for a while then we went home.


Liv: Good morning birthday boy.

Oliver: Good morning babe. How'd you sleep?

Liv: Great because I was sleeping in your arms. What do you want to do for your birthday?

Oliver: Nothing, I just want to sit by the pool and spend the day with you.

Liv: Yeah, that's not going to happen. We're going to go out and do some fun stuff today. Go take a shower and get ready because we're going out.

Oliver: Do we have to?

Liv: I'm sorry if I made it sound like you had a choice.

Oliver: Fine, I'll do it. Not because you told me to, I'm doing it because I want to.

Liv kissed me.

Liv: I love you.

Oliver: Love you too.

I went in the bathroom and got in the shower. Once I'm in there I heard the shower door open and Liv got in with me.

Oliver: What are you doing?

Liv: I told you we were going to do some fun stuff today.

Oliver: We're starting now I see.

Liv: Oh yeah.

Liv and I started to make out and then we had sex in the shower. After we got out of the shower, we went to get something to eat and then we went out to celebrate my birthday. We had a really great day, we went zip lining, then we went for a walk in the park, and then we went and played some mini golf. We headed back to our house to shower again because we were really hot and sweaty from all of the outdoor stuff we did. Liv was in the shower first then I went in. I already showered and got ready for our dinner date she was still getting ready. I'm sitting in the living room while she's in the room getting ready.

Oliver: Will you hurry up woman, I'm starving.

Liv: You can't rush me when I'm trying to look beautiful.

Oliver: Babe you could wear a paper bag and you'd look beautiful.

Liv: That's sweet but I'm not going to move any faster.

While I'm waiting my phone goes off and I see that Liv tagged me in a picture on Instagram.

She posted the picture that Ashley took of us on Christmas when we were kissing in the snow.

"@yaonlylivvonce: Today is the best day ever because it's the day the you were born. There are no words that could describe the way I feel about you. You've showed me what it's like to experience true love and you've helped me grow as a person. Happy Birthday to the love of my life @oliverpiercewwe. I love with all of my heart forever &always <3 p.s. you're one year closer to getting a senior citizen discount. I love you babe. XoXo -G"

Liv walks in the room and I just look up and smile at her.

Liv walks in the room and I just look up and smile at her

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Oliver: Well you look amazing.

Liv: You look pretty good yourself.

Oliver: That was a very sweet Instagram post. Thank you.

Liv: I meant every single word of it.

Oliver: I know. Let's go to dinner.

After dinner we went to the beach. We found a spot on the pier and we just sat there and looked at the night sky while I held Liv in my arms.

Oliver: This has been the best birthday I've had in a really long time.

Liv: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really tried to make it special.

Oliver: Babe, every day I spend with you is special. It doesn't matter if we're just sitting in the house, driving to a different town, or eating food. I cherish every moment we spend together.

Liv: That's sweet. I'm so glad that we ended up together. I feel like it was destiny that we met each other again.

Oliver: I agree, I love you so much. Thank you for giving me such a great day.

Liv: We're not done yet. I have another present for you when we get home. 

Oliver: In the words of my boy Otis "OH YEAH"

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