If I Ain't Got You

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*2 Weeks Later*

Extreme Rules is just a few days away. I was going to head over to the PC today to do some training. Pete Dunne was going to meet me there and we were going to work together a little bit. He's getting ready for a main roster call up and Triple H wanted me to help him out a little bit. The alarm went off and as I was going to shut it off Liv jumped up and reached over me to shut it off and she laid on top of me.

Liv: Good morning handsome.

Oliver: Good morning.

Liv: Why'd you set the alarm so early? We have the day off.

Oliver: Triple H wants me to go work with Pete Dunne at the PC for a little bit today.

Liv: Can't you just say you're not feeling good and stay here with me?

Oliver: I have to do this babe. Triple H wanted me to do this because Pete and I are going to start a program after Extreme Rules and he wants us to get familiar with each other.

She looks at me with a pouty face and puppy eyes.

Liv: Pweeze stay with me today. I don't want you to go.

Oliver: You know that I can't tell you no when you look at me like that.

Liv: Yay so you'll stay home with me then?

Oliver: I can't babe.

Liv: Ugh fine. How long are you going to be?

Oliver: I'll be gone for 3 hours at the most.

Liv: Ugh three hours that's going to take forever.

Oliver: You'll be fine, you have Piggles and Spirit to keep you company. I'll be back before you know it.

I got out of bed and got ready to head over to the PC and then I was getting ready to walk out of the house when Liv stopped me.

Liv: Are you forgetting something mister?

Oliver: Shit, I don't know how I almost forgot.

I walked over to Liv and kissed her.

Liv: Okay now you can leave.

Oliver: I have to say bye to our kids too. Piggles make sure you keep an eye on your mom and sister. Then I look up and Spirit is running at me with that cute puppy run and she's nibbling at my hand, Keep your momma company girl.

Liv: You sure you can't stay home?

Oliver: I can't. I'll be back before you know it. I'll call you as soon as I'm on my way home.

Liv: Okay, I love you.

Oliver: I love you too babe.

*3 hours later*

Pete and I just finished up our day and we're both worn out.

Oliver: Damn dude you got some serious skills.

Pete: Thanks mate. I appreciate you working with me.

Oliver: No problem, I can't wait til we get to start working together. I'll see you around man I gotta get going Liv is waiting for me.

As I was walking out of the PC I called Liv to let her know I'd be home in about 30 minutes. I got in my truck and headed home. I was driving down the road and I got stopped at a Red light, as soon as it turned Green I went and the next thing I hear is a horn and I turn my head and saw another truck coming right at me and then it crashed right into the driver side of my truck. I felt the truck flip twice and that was all I remembered.

**The story is going to be in Liv's POV for a while**

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