Too Sweet

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The Royal Rumble is just one week away and tonight Raw is live at the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn. We got in a little bit early today and I wanted to take Liv and Noah somewhere special. Once I found a spot to park the rental I went and got Noah out of his car seat and I carried him as I held Liv's hand.

Liv: Where are we going?

Oliver: Somewhere special.

Liv: Any hints?

Oliver: You know I was born here in Brooklyn right?

Liv: Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?

Oliver: Let's just say we're going to see something I hold near and dear to my heart.

We walked a little further until we reached the cemetery.

Liv: Are you taking me to see your parents.

Oliver: Yes, I haven't been here since before I made it to the WWE. I wanted to prove to them that I'd make it. Not only am I here as a WWE Superstar but I want them to meet my future wife and their Grandson.

Liv and I walked holding hands over to my parents final resting place. Once we got there I just looked for a moment while I was holding Noah.

Liv: Let me take him for a minute.

I handed Noah to Liv and then I walked over to my parents graves and I got down on my knee and put my hand on each of their tombstones.

Oliver: Sorry it took me so long to come see you guys. I wanted to come when the time was right. I just want you guys to know that I made it to the WWE, and I won the WWE Championship in the main event of Wrestle Mania. I always told you when I was younger that I'd do it and you always believed in me. I miss you guys so much, I know you're up there watching over me. I want you to know I'm finally happy. I met an amazing girl and we're going to get married this year and we just had a baby boy. I love and miss you guys so much.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and I went over and took Liv by the hand and brought her over to my parents.

Oliver: Mom, Dad, this is my fiancé Gionna and our son Noah. I know it's not the way that I would want you guys to meet but this is the best way it could happen.


Tonight, Liv and Sarah are going to face Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross to see who will go on to the Royal Rumble to face The IIconics for the Women's Tag Team Championship. The show started off with Finn Balor taking on the Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins. The match didn't last long once Rollins started getting the upper hand Gallows, Anderson, and Styles all jumped in and took out Rollins. After they destroyed him they made their way up the ramp and walked towards the commentary table.

Cole: Guys, I don't like where this is going.

AJ walks over and starts talking trash to me and then he puts his hand in my face and pushes it. I stood up and got in his face and push him then Gallows, Anderson, and Finn all started to beat me down. I had to go to the back to get checked out and would be off TV for a little bit of the show. While Liv went out for her match I stayed with Noah and watched her on TV from the back with Bayley. While she made her way to the ring Noah started going crazy.

Oliver: Look buddy it's Mommy.

Liv was right in front of the camera and she stuck her tongue out and Noah started to laugh

Noah: Ma Ma

Oliver: Bayley, you heard that right?

Bayley: Did he just say his first word?

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