I'll Never Stop Loving You Part 2

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I slept terrible last night, I kept having nightmares about the accident. I decided to get dressed and go to the hospital to be with Oliver. Once I got there and got checked in, I was walking up to his room when I bumped into Triple H as he was walking out of Oliver's room, he hugged me and just let me cry while comforting me. I looked up at Triple H as I was wiping tears from my eyes.

Triple H: He's going to be okay Gionna. You have to be strong.

Liv: I know, it's just hard seeing him like that.

Triple H: I know it is. He needs you to be strong for him. He needs you to fight for him. Oliver needs you right now more than ever.

Liv: I don't want to lose him.

Triple H: He's a fighter, I have all the faith in the world that he'll pull through this.

Liv: I know he will, we still have to get married and I need him to be there for that.

Triple H: Go spend time with him. I'll check up on you later.

I walked into the room and I pulled up a chair and sat next to his bed and held his hand.

Liv: Hey babe, I don't know if you can hear me right now or not but I just want to tell you that I love you. I know you've been working really hard lately and you're tired and you probably need the rest but it's time to wake up Ollie. I need you to wake up, please do it for me. I'm not going to leave your side. Remember that time when we were riding with Zack and Curt and Zack had to go to the bathroom so we stopped and when he was on his way to the car you drove off as soon as he got close. The I rolled the windows down and we played the Rocky theme song and made him chase us down the road. That was funny he was so mad at us. I've been thinking about all of the good times we've had together and the stories we're going to be able to tell our kids one day. I need you to wake up babe we still have to get married and I kinda need you there at the wedding. We have to start a family remember all of the crazy stories we have to tell our kids. This isn't how it's supposed to end Ollie. We're going to grow old together and watch our grand kids run around the yard and tell them all of our crazy stories. I can't do this without you, I need you. I love you Oliver.

I kissed his hand and laid my head on his shoulder as I cried. A few minutes later I notice the heart monitor is starting to beep slower

Liv: Oliver? Oliver please wake up.

The doctor and a couple of nurses came rushing into the room.

Liv: What's going on?

Nurse: Ma'am you're going to have to give us some space.

Liv: What's happening?

Nurse: Ma'am please we need you to leave the room now.

The nurse walked me out of the room and I was looking through the window to his room. The doctor was using the defibrillator on Oliver. I put my hand on the glass and they closed the curtain.

Liv: Please don't leave me. I'm not ready to say good bye Oliver. I love you.

Another nurse comes over to me and hugs me.

Nurse: We're going to take good care of him.

Liv: I don't want to lose him. He's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Nurse: He's in good hands with Doctor Roberts. Let's go get you to your friends.

She walked me over to a room and when I got there Ruby, Finn, Sarah, Ray, Daria, Zack, and Chelsea were all there waiting for me. I went right up to Ruby and Sarah and hugged them and couldn't stop crying. I eventually got it together after they calmed me down. I sat around in the room just looking at my engagement ring and replaying that night in my mind. A few moments later we heard a knock on the door and Doctor Roberts walks in.

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