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As we're driving to school, the boys are singing along to their music and having fun. I just look through my phone trying to find something I look good in to post. "We're here." Jimin suddenly tells me so I quickly get out.

As soon as I get out the car I hear people screaming my brothers names so I quickly walk in the opposite direction because I want to try and make some normal friends of my own. I walked to my first lesson and sat in a seat that was free yesterday and I sit down beside a girl.

"Hey, you're Hyeri right?" she asks sweetly so I nod. "I'm Hwasa, it's nice to meet you. Do you want to be friends?" She asks making me smile. "I would love to. I don't have any so far so that would be amazing thanks." I reply making her smile as class starts.

We spend all lesson talking and getting to know eachother and in the next lesson as we sat down she asks me "So Hyeri, have you seen any cute boys yet?" so I quickly think and shake my head. "Well I recommend Jungkook and his friends. Especially Taehyung, he's so funny and sexy." she says making me laugh.

"I'll make sure I check them out then." I say making us both laugh before we wait for class to be over.

*skip to lunchtime*

"So Hyeri you coming to get lunch with me and the girls?" She asks smiling. I quickly say yes and follow her and sit down with her friends. I quickly introduce myself and they do the same. They're called Wheein, Solar and Moonbyul. They seem super nice and they're funny.

They then go quiet and look shocked. "The boys are coming here." Hwasa says in shock. "Are you joking? They never pay any attention to us." Solar quickly responds.

The boys make their way over to me and Jimin talks to me. "Hyeri, you okay? Yeri keeps saying you have plans after school?" He says as the girls look confused. "Excuse me a minute, I don't know what he's on about." I quickly excuse myself and pull him away to the corridor with the guys following.

"What are you doing?Im trying to make some friends that like me for me." I say slightly annoyed. "Hyeri we were just confused why you would do anything with that bitch Yeri." Yoongi says making me roll my eyes.

"You guys aren't very clever are you?" I ask them smugly. "She's trying to keep me away from you guys because she thinks me and Kook are dating from what happened yesterday." I explain to them but they look even more confused.

"What happened yesterday?" Jin asks confused. Shit. I thought they knew but oh well. "Nothing don't worry. Anyways Imma go back to the girls. Bye." I quickly escape the situation.

*Jungkooks pov*

The guys all look at me in confusion as Hyeri walks off. "What was Hyeri talking about?" Hobi asks me. I explained to them what happened at the lockers and how me and Hyeri kissed. They all look shocked.

"She's our sister Kook. How could you kiss her?" Jimin asks annoyed. "She's our stepsister. It's not bad. It's just unfair, let me and Jimin have fun with her too." Tae says making everyone stare at him. "Anyways I'm sorry it won't happen again. Let's just go eat." I quickly change the subject.

We all walk back to the lunch hall as everyone stares at us and we sit down. It is hard work being this popular, girls obsessing over me all the time. Anyways we sit down and eat lunch while I see Jimin staring at Hyeri most of the time.

*end of pov*

I sit back down with the girls as they look excited. "Sooo, what was that all about?" Moonbyul teases me. "It was just Yeri saying stuff because she say Jungkook talking to me and wants to get rid of me." I reply making them all stare at me.

"So why won't Jimin stop staring at you?" Wheein replies smirking. "He's staring at me?" I ask blushing lightly. They then all tease me about him. "I don't even like him, how could I? I don't know the guy. Anyways we need to go to class now." I say.

We all stand up and go to our lessons. The lessons start and seem to go on forever.

*time skip*

The bell finally rings meaning it's the end of the day. "So Hyeri, it's weird asking this but would me and the girls be able to come over to yours? If not you can come to ours. Whatever is easiest." Hwasa says excitedly. "Let me just ask my brother." I quickly reply.

*the mochi bro*

me: Heyyy bro! Can some of my friends come over? It's fine if they can't!

                       Jimin: Which friends is it?

me: It's just Hwasa, Solar, Wheenin and Moonbyul.

Jimin: Do they know that we are your brothers because if not do you want them to find out?

me whispering: No they don't know.

          Jimin: Then they can't come then can they? Anyways if you are coming home we are in the car park waiting for you princess. 

me: Yahhh Jimin don't call me that!

                  Jimin: Okay princess love you!

me: Bye love you too.

*end of call*

"Jimin is your brother?" Hwasa shout's surprised. "That's a funny joke. Why would my brother be Jimin?" I respond coldly. "You just called your brother Jimin though-" I quickly cut her off. "My brothers name is Jimin, he's 27 though. He's not Jimin in our school. Anyways my brother wants me home so I'll walk you out?" I change the subject.

I start walking out to the car park when I hear a voice behind you "Hyeri wait! Where are you going princess?" Stupid Tae, does he not know how to shut up. "Was that Taehyungs voice? I swear it was!" Wheein says. "Anyways I have to leave here my brother is picking me up!" I say to the girls " Is your brother good looking? And would he be able to give us a lift to our house?" I look down and say "Ermmm He's decent looking but I obviously got all of the looks in the family but his friends are with him so there won't be much room left in the car, sorry guys." They look at me and say it's fine and then they see Taehyung running up to me.

"Guys he's coming! It's really Taehyung." One of them says. "Bye guys it looks like my brother is here!" I say as I start walking off when I feel someone grab your wrist "Wait princess, the car is this way" Tae says as he drags me back in the direction towards my friends and towards the car. "Taehyung wait." I stop and look at my friends as they are confused.

"Wait so your brothers are those three boys?" Solar says to me. "Look, you can't tell anyone!" I say to them. They start jumping in excitement and then I feel Taes hands wrap around my waist. "So princess who are these angels?" Tae says looking at Hwasa and winks at her. "Tae these are my friends also stop calling me that. Anyways we need to go and get stuff for Jimins birthday because it's tomorrow!" I say bye to the girls and leave with Tae.

"Tae why do you keep calling me princess! It's embarrassing." he leans in and kisses me and as we are kissing I hear the click of cameras on peoples phones. This isn't going to end well. In a matter of moments the photo has spread around the full school. I am now known as Taehyungs new girlfriend. I grab his hand and run to the car where Jimin and Jk are waiting. They have seen the photos.

The car ride home is very awkward but Jimin breaks the tension "Have you guys seen the photo?"

Stepbrothers~Maknae line {currently editing}Where stories live. Discover now