~The date~

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I have just teleported to outside of Straykids house making sure I was careful to not be seen by anyone. No one was their so I walked up to the front door and knocked on it. Changbin answered the door "Hey Y/n, come in. Bangchan is just in the living room!" he said sweetly. I walked with him to the living room and noticed everyone was staring at me. Chan saw me and stood up while admiring my dress "You look so stunning Y/n!" he said to me making me blush. I took a minute to admire what he was wearing.

 I took a minute to admire what he was wearing

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'Omg he looks so hot. How can he be so cute one minute and then be this hot then next moment, this should be illegal' I thought to myself. "You look so hot Chan, you really suit this look." I said to him as we lock eyes. "Look at my bestie, you've changed so much. I still can't believe how beautiful you look. I'm so lucky to have my best friends going on a date." Hyunjin said while hugging us both. "So, are you ready to go? The cars just outside." Chan said while still admiring me. "Of course cutie, bye everyone. I'll try not to keep him out too late. I'll text Hyunjin if he decides to stay over at mine." I say and then me and Chan walk out to his car while holding hands.

His car is almost as stunning as he is

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His car is almost as stunning as he is. He opens my door for me and then gets in his side and starts driving us to the movie theatre. "Y/n, I can't believe you actually chose to go on a date with me out of all the other boys." he says sweetly to me. "I wanted to go on a date with you because you are cute, funny, handsome and you're just a really nice guy. I'm glad that I'm still friends with Hyunjin otherwise I wouldn't have met you." I said to him and smile at him sweetly as he's still driving. He places one of his hands on my thighs while still driving. I like it if i'm honest. Not much later we arrived at the cinema and it's currently 6pm. We get out of the car and walk into the cinema.

We decide together to watch a romance movie because I know if we watched a horror he would expect me to be scared, but nothing scares me anymore. We get some snacks and walk into the movie theatre and find out seats that are at the back. About 15 minutes into the movie he puts his arm around me and we get comfortable together.

It is a really sweet movie and some is really sad. I feel his hand stroking my thigh again. It feels really good for some odd reason. Then a sex scene comes onto the screen. It is a bit awkward but I look up at him and we lock eyes. We both lean in and have a long passionate kiss. We finally pull away and watch the movie, getting even closer together. The movie has finally ended and we decide to go and get some food at Nando's.

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