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Me and Josh are cuddling on my bed when I hear a knock on the door. "Y/n, I need to talk to you." the voice says. I know it's Jimin. "Come on Mochi!" I shout back and he comes in the room. I pat the bed for him to sit down. "I'll tell you everything he says after okay Josh." I say to Josh and he nods back. I turn to Jimin. "So Mochi what's up?" I ask him smiling but then I notice he has a worried expression on his face.

"W-well we think that Eric might have done something to Chan." he says which fills me with anger. "What did he do this time? My uncle is going to kill him." I say angrily to him. "Well Bangchan suddenly got really angry at Jungkook and his eyes were kind of glowing blue with a tint of red and then he suddenly stopped and was confused and didn't know what was happening." he says to me which makes me even angrier. "I'll be back soon, don't worry about me." I say and click my fingers.

I arrive in hell to see Jackson dancing to my music. "Jackson, where the hell is Eric?" I shout causing him to jump. "I don't know Y/n, why did something happen?" he asks me "Yes something happened. He was possessing my boyfriend. Now are you going to help me or not?" I say sharply to him. "I'll talk to him and make sure uncle punishes him but in the meantime take these bracelets and give them to all of the boys so they are safe from Eric." he says to me and hands me the bracelets.

(It's these but there are 15 of them, one for each of the members

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(It's these but there are 15 of them, one for each of the members.)

"Okay thank you Jackson, just tell him if he tries to do anything I will personally hurt him." I say to Jackson and he chuckles. "I haven't seen this side of you for a while Y/n and I always like it. I also heard about Rosé and just remember we have powers and she doesn't, that's a lot better in my opinion." he says to me making me chuckle. "Okay thanks Jackson, I should probably get going because Jimin and Josh are probably awkward at the moment. See you later!" I say and click back to my room.

I land back on the bed and see them talking, well trying to. "H-how old are you?" Jimin asks him "I'm 18, how about you?" he asks Jimin back. "I'm erm, 20?" Jimin replies and I start giggling and they notice I'm back. "What did Jackson say?" Jimin asks me. "He's going to talk to Eric but in the meantime you guys all need to wear one of these bracelets. Please go and give them to the other boys and we will be downstairs in about 10 minutes after I've explained Josh everything." I say to him and he listens and goes downstairs with the bracelets. I then explain everything to to Josh and we head downstairs after 10 minutes.

We walk back to the living room and everyone is laughing at something. "Yah! What are you all laughing at?" I shout and then notice what they are watching on the Tv: Lee Baes funniest moments 2020. "Guysss! Turn it off now, It's so embarrassing." I shout and hug Josh in embarrassment. "What's going on Y/n?" he asks me in confusion. "They are watching my funniest moments Joshy, it's so embarrassing." I say and hug him tighter. "Awww my little missy getting embarrassed. Anyways I'm sure it's funny, let's watch it with them." he says and I nod and we sit down together. "Turn on Korean captions Jin Hyung, I don't understand what the subtitles say." Tae says to Jin.

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