~The past~

330 21 10

~warning! some things in this chapter could upset you, so just please be careful and just skip a part if you feel uncomfortable! thank you, ~authornim

We walked downstairs after our live and saw all the boys waiting for us. "Why did you call me short!" Jimin said pouting at me. I ruffled his hair and kissed his pout which left him speechless and he went bright red. "Can we please have some lunch now? I haven't eaten in nearly a day." I said and immediately Jin said

"You haven't eaten for that long and you didn't tell me! Y/n you need to eat more, you are too skinny." he said looking at me worried. "Did you guys watch all of the livestream?" they all nodded and looked at me and Tae. "You guys should have seen some of the questions that we were getting. Also there were so many weird names. One was Rms_thicc_thighs. You can't tell me that's not weird." he said and we all started to laugh so hard we were all trying to breathe again. Then I suddenly remembered the thing about my dad and my face went blank. "I'm just going to go, I'm not hungry" I said in a monotone voice and then ran up the stairs.

I threw myself onto my bed and started crying into my pillow. Someone was knocking on the door but I didn't want to answer it. I forgot that they have spare keys in their rooms. The person went back to their room and I quickly ran into my studio and closed the door behind me, making me hidden from whoever it was.

I then hear a voice shouting my name "Y/n! Where are you princess? Are you okay?" It was Jungkook. I couldn't bare to face him either. Ever since I moved in with my stepbrothers I have felt a connection with jk, we were goofy together, we enjoyed to cuddle, we did so much together. Until he got a girlfriend. I was so upset because we didn't get to hang out much anymore. I still think I have love for him. He was the person I wrote my new song about. I don't want him to realise that it's about him though.

Jungkook kept on shouting sounding even more worried but I stayed in my studio sobbing about my dad. He was there for me when I was little, even after mom cheated on him. But the last time I saw him was my 9th birthday and he told me "I will always love you Y/n, me and your mom just aren't friends at the moment. I'll still send you anything you want princess." those words went through my head. Kookie sometimes calls me babygirl. I thought about it making me cry even more. I finally heard Jungkooks shouting stop.

*Jungkooks pov*

Y/n has just left her dinner and she said she hasn't eaten in ages. I went upstairs to see if she was alright because I love her. Maybe as more then a sister. I heard her sobbing loudly so I knock on the door as loud as I can "Y/n, please let me in!" she didn't reply. I then remembered that I have a spare key to her bedroom. I quickly ran to my room and got the key out of my underwear drawer. I ran back and tried to open the door as fast as I could. But when I had got there she was gone. I was shouting her name but there still wasn't any response.

I ran around her room frantically looking for her. I ran into her wardrobe and she still wasn't there. I went in her bathroom and she still was no where to be found. "Please Y/n I l-love you." I said quietly and then decide to get the boys help. I run down the stairs to the boys. "Guys she isn't in her room." I said and looked at everyone. They all looked worried apart from Taehyung. "Tae, do you know something that we don't?" I asked him but he just looked down. "I'll go and get her but no one is to follow me. Do you understand. If i see one of you following me I will literally hate you so much. Stay here, I'll be 5 minutes max." he said to us all. We stood there in shock at what he had just said to us. "Y-yes Hyung." I said and he turned and sprinted up the stairs.

*end of pov*

*Taes pov*

"No one is to follow me." I shouted at them and then Jk responded. I don't care about them right now, Y/n is hurt. I run up to her room and see she's not on her bed. I immediately knew 'she's in her studio' I walked up to the thing that she used to get in the last time. Last time I was here she added my fingerprint so that I can use the studio aswell as her dance room which was somewhere else in her room hidden. I used my fingerprint on the scanner. The door unlocks and opens and I walk inside seeing Y/n in a mess with her eyes red and puffy. I quickly shut the door behind me, so that the boys don't follow me.

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