*fun live*

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Me and my brothers sit down on the bed and all of straykids are looking at me weirdly. "I'm not telling you guys, it's not a big deal." I say to them quickly to move on from the news. "I'm going to go and lie down in Jin and Hannies room. If you need me just come find me." I say to the boys and head to Jins room.

I walk in and lock the door behind me. I pull my phone out and decide to go live. I realise that I'm still in my dress so I go the wardrobe and pick out a random hoodie, I don't know whose it is but I don't care. I turn the live video on and sit down on the end of the bed. I do it on instagram incase any of my friends wants to feature. "Hi everyone, it's me Lee Bae here. Leave some questions and things for me to respond to. I'm currently just sitting in Jin and Han's room." I say to the people on my live.

I then get a request saying exo_kai would like to go live with you. I accept it because he's one of my bestfriends. He appears in the live.

He's a really nice, funny and hot guy

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He's a really nice, funny and hot guy. "Hey Kai, thanks for going live with me." I say to him smiling. "No bother, I miss you so I joined and plus we need to catch up." he says making me giggle a bit. We currently have 986k people watching. "So how is London? Are you having fun?" he asks me with his cute smile. "Yeh it's quite good so far but these boys are so annoying. We actually just got back from a fancy restaurant." I tell Kai. "That's cool, me and the boys have just woken up basically. It's only 8am here." he says to me. We decide to read some questions to answer.

Kai reads out the first question "This one is funny. Lee Bae do you like Kai?" he says laughing to himself. "Kai is one of my bestfriends so of course I like him." I respond to the question. "I think they mean as more then friends." he says smirking to me. "Not at the moment. He is hot though, I can't deny that." I say and he sits back looking a mix of happy and confusion. We read some more questions out and talk about exos comeback. Then I hear a knock on the door.

I pick up my phone and bring it with me to open the door. "I'm guessing it's either Jin or Jimin." I say to the viewers. I then open the door and Hyunjin is standing there. "I'm live Jinnie, either come in or I'll talk to you later." I say to him and he comes in. I sit back down on the bed and set the phone up again. "Is that Hyunjin?" Kai says and Hyunjin sits behind me. "Yeh it is, he just came for attention probably." I say and me and Kai laugh.

"That's mean. Anyways Jin hyung said you should go to bed." Hyunjin says and rests his chin on my shoulder and hugs me from behind. "No, I'm staying up. I'm talking to Kai and the fans." I say to Hyunjin and turn back to my phone. "So Kai, what colour do you think I should dye my hair?" I ask him and see he is thinking about it deeply. I read some comments saying 'red, black, blue, pink' and all sorts of colours.

"I think you should do blue, you would really suit it and we could be matching. I'm supposed to dye mine tonight." he says and I wonder about blue. "You would really suit blue, I agree with Kai." Hyunjin says still hugging me from behind. I decide I will go to the hair salon and get it dyed tomorrow. We talk to Kai for a bit longer and I see loads of comments saying 'Hyunbae for life'.

I decide to read a question. "Who are my bestfriends? Well my bestfriends are Hyunjin, Kai, Bambam, Jungkook, Jaehyun and I have some more. My bestfriends from high school are now all in Mamamoo." I respond to the question. Then Kai hears a knock on his door. "Who is it?" he shouts and someone enters his room. "Baekhyun! I miss you, it's been nearly a year since I've seen you." I say loudly to him and him and Kai just giggle to eachother. "Heyyy, how is Jackson doing? I just heard his song that he released." Baekhyun says to me. I'm so confused.

I look back at Hyunjin and he's confused aswell. "Jackson is good, also I didn't know he released a song." I say to the other boys. "It's called 100 ways. The Mv looks as if it was shot in hell or like a graveyard or something. It's really cool though." Kai explains to me. I decide to go onto Jins computer. His password is pinkprincess, I know it's really weird. I look up '100 ways' and see the Mv. I click on it and me and Hyunjin watch it and Kai and Baekhyun are laughing at our reactions.

It's a really cool video and a good song. I didn't know Jackson could sing also how did he produce it? He must have done it himself I guess. "So what do you guys think of it?" Baekhyun asks me and Hyunjin. "I didn't know my brother could sing but it was really cool." I say and Hyunjin just is looking at all the comments on the video. I then hear someone shouting through the door.

"Y/n! Hyunjin! Open the door!" someone is shouting. Hyunjin quickly opens the door and Jk comes in with Jin. They walk up to me "We need to talk, the others are waiting and Yoongi will fall asleep any minute." Jin says to me in a stern voice. "Also most of straykids are already asleep." he adds. I hear Kai and Baekhyun trying not to laugh. "Oppa, I'm live. Kai and Baekhyun are on with me." I say to Jin and he looks at my phone "Oh, hello guys! Anyways she is needed for an important talk so I'll get her to facetime you guys or something during the week. Also bye Army, Exils and Dreamers!" Jin says and ends the live.

No joke but Hyunjin kind of rocks this look also his thighs 😳🥵

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No joke but Hyunjin kind of rocks this look also his thighs 😳🥵

This was just a fun chapter but there will only be like 4 or 5 more 💜

This was just a fun chapter but there will only be like 4 or 5 more 💜

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Stepbrothers~Maknae line {currently editing}Where stories live. Discover now