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Jin ends the live on my phone. "Why did you do that oppa?" I ask him slightly angry at him. "We need to talk about the thing that you told us. How are you going to tell Bangchan?" he says to me. "Kook, I'm guessing you didn't tell him then?" I say looking up at Jungkook. He looks down which means he obviously hasn't. "What did you not tell me Jungkook? Don't tell me that-" I cut him off. "Oppa, we will talk about this later." I say to him sternly.

Hyunjin is sitting there looking confused "What are you guys talking about?" he says to us. I forgot he doesn't know. "I think I should tell him, he is my best friend. Is that okay Kook?" I say to Jungkook and he just nods. "Well Jinnie, I-I'm pregnant." I say to Hyunjin and his face lights up. "Omg Y/n I'm so proud of you! I'm going to be the best auntie or uncle ever!" he says making me laugh. "You will be an uncle no matter what." I explain to him.

He looks back at me "How are you going to tell Chan hyung when he just cheated on you?" he says to me. "Well, Hyunjin. Jin. The baby it isn't Chans. It's erm, it's Jungkooks." I say to them and they both look at us in shock. "B-but you are step siblings." Hyunjin says to me. "I know, I just fell in love with him. I don't know what to do about the pregnancy though." I say to the boys. They look at me with sincere eyes.

I then remember that if I have a child it's going to be a demi god. "Jungkook, do you realise the child is going to have the same problems that i had when I was growing up except from the fact that they aren't a child of one of the big three." I say to him. "What are you on about the big 3?" Hyunjin asks me weirdly. He doesn't know about my powers. "I mean one of the big three people at work, people made fun of me because of my dads job." I make up as an excuse.

I look up at Jin and he is shocked. "I knew that you two have done stuff before but did you not use protection?" Jin asks me and Jk. I look up at Jungkook and roll my eyes "Yoongi told Jungkook that you can't get someone pregnant if you have sex in the shower, so he didn't use anything." I say to Jin and Hyunjin starts laughing. Jin gives him a death stare.

"How are you going to tell the others?" Hyunjin asks me. "Well Han already knows and I don't know if I can deal with what Chan will be like." I respond to him. "Maybe don't tell him yet. I think you should deal with your brother knowing first." Hyunjin says to me. I just nod in agreement.

*time skip*

It's the last day of being in London. It's been a nice holiday visiting lots of my high school friends and I've been hanging out with Josh a lot. Jackson told him about the pregnancy and he was making sure I didn't drink anything.

We are all packed and have our suitcases in the boot of the car and are on the way to the airport. We are getting a limo there because Hyunjin thought it would be funny. We are about halfway to the airport. "So, Jungkook and Y/n are you guys excited to record your new song when we get back?" Felix asks us. I totally forgot about the song but it will be really good I think.

I come back to reality when Jungkook answers the question "I'm really excited to record it with my princess. I know the fans are going to love it." he says squeezing my hand. "I'm also really excited and I hope they do love it, we spend ages writing it on the plane." I say to the others and me and Jk laugh.

*time skip*

We finally arrive back in our house. We are now home safely in Korea. I'm so tired from the long day so me and Jungkook decided to record the song tomorrow. We both get into my bed and cuddle while falling asleep.

I wake up to the sound of an alarm going off. I hate that sound. "Kookie, turn it off." I say in my morning raspy voice and he turns it off. "There you go baby." he says making me smile. "Now let's get up, we are going to record our song and release it later today." he says to me. I stand up and get changed into some joggers and a crop top. He's wearing some grey joggers and a grey t-shirt.

We go to my recording booth and start recording our song that we wrote. We just need to do the editing and stuff now. Jungkook is busy doing all the producing and editing work while I'm sitting playing the guitar. "And we are done. Quickly listen and then we will release it." he says to me. I listen to the song and it sounds perfect. "It's perfect Kook, let's release it for our fans." I say and we go onto soundcloud and release the new track.

(Your part is Jimin and Rm is just Namjoon aswell. He already recorded his part earlier.)

We get lots of likes already on the new song. The fans seem to really like it a lot.

Sorry this was such a shit chapter aha I just kinda didn't know what to write lmao

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Sorry this was such a shit chapter aha I just kinda didn't know what to write lmao.

Stepbrothers~Maknae line {currently editing}Where stories live. Discover now