~Lee Bae~

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Jin had quickly gotten up to have a shower before we had started anything but as soon as he left I feel into a deep sleep on my comfortable bed. He came back about 20 mins later and saw I was asleep so he just tucked me in and went back to his own room.

{hehe you thought something was going to happen, well not yet ;) }

*time skip to a few months later*

Mum and dad have moved out of the house because they think that we are old enough to look after ourselves. So I am the one lonely girl in this male dominated house. I didn't mind it sometimes, but they always assume that I'm on my period if Im in a bad mood. Smh I thought they knew how to treat girls.

Anyways tomorrow is my debut as a solo artist for bighit. I had been working so hard for this for months now, so much so that I haven't even had enough time to even get a boyfriend. Oh well, my brothers had been doing really good aswell since their debut. It had been about a year for them and they already had thousands of fans. I now look at the other members as my brothers aswell because we have all started to get a lot closer.

I went downstairs to get my dinner with the boys. I sat down at my normal seat in between Tae and Jk. "Soooo, Y/n are you excited for tomorrow? We are going to be cheering for you but disguised obviously!" Hobi said with a massive smile. "I'm so excited oppa's. I still can't believe this is actually happening. All thanks to my lovely momma jin." I said the last part giggling with the other boys apart from Jin.

"Y/n I'm older than you, at least show me some respect." he said to me. I don't really listen to him since we aren't actually related. "So have you seen any cute boys lately Y/n?" Namjoon oppa said to me which caused me to nearly choke on my noodles. I had a coughing fit and then finally calmed down "Joonie, are you feeling okay? You never ask stuff like this." I say stuttering.

"Well, we all just want to know what our little baby sis is getting up to in her free time." Jiminie said to me with his cute smile which caused me to blush. "I've been far too busy for boys, just the same for you guys about girls. But everyone wants you guys now obviously, who would be stupid enough to not want a member of bts?" I said looking around and they are all blushing.

"Ahhh, you guys are all blushing! You're so cute guys." I said teasing them. Jk then spoke up "You should be going to sleep soon because you have an early morning tomorrow!" He said to me shyly. They all said goodbye to me and I went back up to my bedroom. I couldn't sleep for a while and then I heard some weird noises coming from Jins room next door.

I went to investigate because i'm a really good spy. I stood at the door listening hearing noises sounding like moans. I had to stop whatever was happening so I burst the door open. "Namjoon..... Jin. W-w-what are you g-g-guys doing?" I said stuttering really badly as I had just seen Jin sucking Namjoon off. "Y/n! omg." Jin said while putting the covers over their naked bodies. "I-i didn't know that you guys w-w-were a c-couple." I said still shocked.

"We aren't Y/n, we just have fun sometimes. We don't have time for girls so all the members help eachother. Usually Jhope and Suga, Jimin with ..." Jin cut Namjoon off "Please go to sleep Y/n you have your debut in the morning!" I just nodded and walked back to my room confused. 'Jimin and who? The other members were siblings. That's incest if they do anything. They are sibling aren't they?' I thought to myself before drifting off to sleep.

I was having a dream about my ex Hyunjin's band called Straykids, he's one of the main dancers and is a rapper. They are all so hot. It's a shame that him and Felix are both gay though. I was dreaming about dating some of the members and other stuff. The alarm rang waking me fully up. I got up and changed into my debut outfit.

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