~going out~

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*I.N's pov*

"Guys did I do something wrong you are all looking at me weirdly." I say to the others. "Y/n went out by herself. We said no one can. I'll ring her and see where she is." Taehyung says to me. He rings her and there is no answer. I hear the phone ringing from in her bag which is in the corner of the room. I look in the bag and see all of her stuff still there.

I look back to the boys "Her stuff is all still here and her purse is here aswell. That's weird." I say to the other boys. "Wait Innie, did you say you heard Jk moaning?" Jin asks me which makes me weirded out. "Yes I think so, anyways I'm sure they won't be long." I say to the other boys. "When they come back, you guys go out and get some food. I'll take Kook out, I need to talk to him." Jimin says to us and we say okay.

We start having a normal conversation again. "So Chan how much have you and Y/n done?" Tae asks him in a mischievous voice making me laugh. "That's none of your business Taehyung, if she wanted you to know I'm sure she would have told you." Chan says back to him. "Who says she hasn't told me stuff. She is a good fuck though isn't she Chan." Tae says back to Chan. I sit back and watch the drama when Y/n and Jungkook come back to the room. Jungkooks hair is soaked and Y/n just looks the same but is wearing one of Jks hoodies.

*end of pov*

Me and Jk run back to the others after almost being caught in the shower. I quickly dried my hair by using my powers and throw my clothes back on but with this hoodie on before we went back to the others.

I open the door and all of the boys are staring at us. "Kook, your coming out to get a drink with me tonight. We need to talk." Jimin says to Jk who just nods his head. "I think I'll go to Josh's house if you guys want to hang out together." I say to the other boys. "No it's fine baby, or we could stay here and have some fun." Chan says to me and winks making me giggle at him.

"Ew you guys are disgusting." Jimin says to us making me laugh more. "Oppa what's wrong?" I ask him while smirking. "You shouldn't be talking about stuff like that infront of us. You know Tae doesn't like hearing this stuff." he says back to me. "I don't care anyways you guys go and get something to eat and Jimin and Kookie do whatever you are doing. I'm going to see Jackson." I say to the others. "Are you sure baby? These boys are boring. No offence guys." he says to me making me laugh. I force everyone out of the room and lie down on the bed.

Jins bed is so comfortable and warm. Within a few minutes I fall asleep. I was then woken up by some shouting which means the boys are back. "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep." I say burying my head into the pillow. "Get up princess or I'll have to come and cuddle with you." I hear Jin say. I don't care and I just cuddle into the duvet more.

I then feel someone hugging me from behind and all of the boys making a big fuss. I quickly sit up and see them all laughing at me. "Shut up. Tae oppa help me." I shout to Tae and I see him standing there giggling. "Go back to your room if you want to sleep princess, we are going live." Tae says rudely back to me so I stand up and attack him with a hug. "Meanie." I say while he's giggling at me.

"Y/n, your phone is ringing." Hyunjin says while handing me my phone.

*on the phone*

Me: who is it?

???: It's the love of your life baby. I thought you would know my voice by now silly billy.

        Me: Jungkook, where are you and Jimin oppa?

Jk: Don't worry we are coming back soon baby. I love you.

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