~New housemates~

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I woke up to a sweet little voice calling my name "Y/n, come on princess you need to get ready for school. Remember it's none uniform because we don't have inspectors at the moment!" I looked up and saw it was Tae who was speaking. "Hi Tae, I'm up now. You go and start making breakfast and I'll start getting ready." you say back to him in your morning voice. "No, I'm having a shower with you because Jiminie hyung is using our shower and it's unfair how you have your own bathroom." he said pouting to me. "Fine oppa you can have a shower with me, also i need my own bathroom for privacy from you boys." you say giggling as Tae leads you into your bathroom.

"Well, do you want to get in first or should I?" he says to me as he locks the door. "I-i don't mind, I'll get in first and then you can join me if you want." I said and started taking my clothes off before I got in the shower and started to shampoo my hair. Then I see a sexy Tae walking towards me in the shower, his body is so hot especially with the water and his hair, omg. You thought to yourself. "Ok then we need to be quick or the others will~" you were interrupted by a passionate kiss. You kissed him back and jumped into his arms wrapping your legs around his waist. You pull away from the kiss hearing someone knocking on your bathroom door.

"Y/n have you seen Tae Hyung? Jimin hyung is looking for him to have breakfast. Also don't be too long, we need to leave soon!" Jk shouted through the door and I quickly replied "No I haven't seen him and yes I'll be quick." We then finished our shower and got ready for school. I wore this

And Tae heads down about 10 mins before I do because i'm putting my light makeup on

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And Tae heads down about 10 mins before I do because i'm putting my light makeup on. I head downstairs and see them all eating breakfast. "Are you guys ready? We need to go soon." I said to them "Also sorry for last night Jin and Yoongi hyung, it won't happen anymore since you guys are living with us now." you said remembering that your brothers friends had moved in to your house and your parents were staying abroad for another 2 years. "Yah, Y/n you need to eat some food and then we will go." Jin oppa said to me. "I'm fine thanks oppa, i'm going on a diet because I need to loose a bit of weight." you said giggling while the others stare at you in disbelief.

"Y/n, you aren't the slightest bit fat. You're body is amazing the way it is, don't change yourself princess." Tae said as the others look at him weirdly. "Tae have you been looking at your little sisters body? Is that what was happening last night?" Yoongi said looking back and forth between you and Tae. "What happened last night Y/n?" Kookie asked me."Dont worry Kookie oppa, I just asked Tae oppa what porn was and he showed me it and it was disgusting. I don't know how you guys can watch it. Especially you Jk, you're my age and you can watch that kind of stuff. It's vile, anyways Ive definitely lost my appetite now. So let's get going!" they all laugh at you because of what you had just 'explained' Tae was letting out his fake laugh because he knew that you had to lie so the others didn't kill them.

*in the car*

Tae leaned over to me and whispered "You're little story was very convincing princess, however last night was really fun and also did I tell you how hot you look today?". You look down and blush as you try to cover up. "Yahh Tae why are you looking at your sister like that, leave her for your hyungs because we aren't related to her so it's not bad for us to get with her." he said as he winked at me. "Min Yoongi! I hope you aren't being serious about that because we have to treat her like our sister now that we are going to be living with her!" Jin hyung shouted as he was driving us. "We are here guys, now Y/n since I am your newest 'brother' I have some rules. Rule number 1, no boyfriends. Rule number 2 no talking to boys except us and Rule number 3, no dating Yoongi." he says to you and gives Yoongi a death stare. "Yah Jin oppa, you aren't actually my brother so you can't tell me what to do! I can date whoever I want." I shouted and then ran to my first lesson.

•Sorry it was a short chapter guys, I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry I've not been posting, i've just been dealing with a lot. Anyways please read Janaekook0726 books and isawbtsinreallife books aswell please💜 They are really talented writers 💗✨•

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