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*your pov*

I was going down the hallway to Jungkooks room to help him with some homework. I felt bad because I left Tae in my room by himself. Jimin quickly left out of Jks room after screaming about something. He's probably caught Jk watching some adult content again. Anyways I'll try to get Jk to be as quick as he can because Tae is waiting for cuddles.

I got to his room and knocked on the door. A husky voice said "Come in Y/n baby!". You were confused, did he just call me baby? Anyways he needs help with his homework. "What homework did you need help with Kookie?" I said smiling at him as I sat down on his bed. "Emmm I need help with my erm Biology that was it." he said in a confused voice. I just stared at him because we didn't get any biology homework this week.

"But Kookie, we didn't get any Bio homework this week silly!" I said giggling and smiling at him. "You're s cute Y/n~shie, I just want another kiss. I really enjoyed our one at the lockers last week." he said staring into my soul. I could feel him getting closer to me until his soft plump lips pressed against mine. It was a really nice feeling so I kissed him back and then I felt his tongue present in my mouth. This was actually a really nice kiss. Then he bit my bottom lip which made me let out a gentle moan. I then pulled back and said "Kookie, I have to go back to my room. Tae is waiting for me." I say to him as I stand up from his bed. He looked upset so I quickly sat on his lap and gave him a kiss on the cheek while playing with his hair. Then my phone buzzed.

It was Tae asking when I was going to be back. "Well Jk it looks like i'm going to have to be going, see you soon!" I stood up looking back at him lap. He was staring back at me and then I said "Kookie, it looks like you have a little problem that you need to sort out." I said giggling while Jk was blushing like a beetroot. "Yahhh, Y/n why are you looking there? You know it would be better if i had someone to help my problem out." he said winking at me. "Kookie, as much as I would love to Tae is waiting for me so he can go to sleep. Anyways I'll see you tomorrow!" I said and head back to my room.

On the way back I thought of how sexy and cute Jungkook is.

I had finally got back to my room and Tae was watching some weird adult stuff on your ipad

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I had finally got back to my room and Tae was watching some weird adult stuff on your ipad. "Tae, next time warn me before I see you doing that!" you say as you cover your eyes. "Sorry, this is so embarrassing. I was almost finished aswell. You couldn't have been 2 more minutes." he giggled to himself. I was still in shock of what I had just seen Taehyung doing. "So, what did Jungkook want help with?" he asks as he gets himself back to normal. "H-he n-needed help with biology homework." you stuttered as you were feeling awkward. "Y/n don't feel awkward, I'm just a teenage boy. Anyways come over here and give me cuddles so I can fall asleep." he said to me.

I laid down next to him and felt his arms wrap around my waist and felt his body against my back and something was pressing into me. "Yah Taehyung your 'friend' is poking me." you say as you try to wriggle free but you just make him even more hard. "Baby stop moving, you're just making it worse. Anyways you could help me out with it and then it won't bother you anymore!" he says to you as you ponder over what he has just said. "If I do, promise you won't tell the others, also I've never done it before." I said to him as I look down.

"I promise baby and don't worry, I'll help you." he says smirking at me. "Okay I'll help you then." I say and he shows his famous box smile.

******* Smut warning, if you aren't over the age of 18 (which i know most of you guys aren't) please skip this part (i'm supposed to say this as if you guys would listen, anyways just enjoy it) *******

He gets on top of you and starts kissing along your collarbone leaving hickies . You moan quietly at the feeling, he then starts to kiss you passionately while taking your t-shirt off while in the kiss. You get embarrassed because you have scars down your arms from when you tried to kill yourself. "Baby, don't worry you are beautiful" he says to me reassuring me he doesn't care about the scars. I then pull away and take his shirt off. His abs were defined. I stare at them in shock and then he says "You can touch them if you want, don't worry princess!" you shyly feel them.

It feels like solid bricks. You are impressed. You then start kissing again and pull his pj bottoms down, leaving him only in his boxers. He pulls yours off aswell. You are both just left in your underwear. You admire Tae's body and he notices and gets back on top of you. He leaves hickies as he kisses down your body. You start to kiss his neck back leaving hickies aswell. You were both covered in hickies. Then you move your hand down and feel Tae's member hard from your touch. You take his underwear off and hold his member in your hand and start to suck it. You give him a blowjob until he reaches his climax. You were so tired because you were both moaning and it is 2am.

You lay down and rested your head on his chest after you both got dressed again. You then heard a loud knock on the door. "Y/n, do you have a boy over? We can't sleep, you're moaning too loudly!" Hobi shouts through the door. "No Hobi oppa, please don't tell Jin oppa though!" you shout back to him. "Too late, I'm here Y/n. Open the door now, and the boy is to never see you again! Am I clear?" Jin shouted through the door. "Oppa there isn't any boys in here, it's just Taehyung. He's just came to my room." you shouted back as you walk to the door. "Yahhh Y/n! I am a boy." Tae shouts at me. I just laugh at him. You open the door and Jin storms in and looks at Taehyung and then back at you. "Y/n, you have a boyfriend. What have you been doing with Taehyung?" Jin said to me.

"They obviously were having some fun Jin hyung, can you not tell." Yoongi oppa said to Jin. Jins eyes widened at the comment "Is Yoongi telling the truth Y/n? If he is then you can't have you're phone for 2 weeks." Jin says to you and then you respond to him with "Jin oppa I'm still a virgin, I'm only 16 for god sake!" you say to him laughing. "Okay I believe you, now get some sleep." Jin said as him and Yoongi left the room. It was a surprise to see Jin act like this because you aren't his sister, I think he's just looking out for me because Jiminie oppa said that Jin wants to love me like I was his little sister because he's always wanted a sister.

You look at Tae who has fallen asleep on the bed. Anyways tomorrow is going to be Hyunjins first day at my school and he would be mad at me if he found out about this. Then I fell asleep in Taes arms.

•Sorry for how weird this chapter is aha, I'm not good at writing this stuff•

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