~The wedding~

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Today was the day that me and mum have been waiting for, for ages. Im so excited that I can finally see my mum acting like her old happy self.

She's currently running around our hotel room making sure her makeup and hair are on fleek and that all of her bridesmaids are looking presentable.

About 10 minutes later she's finally ready and we are now on the way to the beach with 20 minutes to spare. As we stop at a read light she says to me "Hyeri I'm so excited and I do understand that it is a hard day for you, but I'm so thankful for all the support you have been giving me to marry your new stepdad. You guys will get along great." She tells me as we pull into the beach.

She looks so pretty and I do have to admit that I chose some of the best bridesmaid dresses from the awful ones that she wanted.

She looks so pretty and I do have to admit that I chose some of the best bridesmaid dresses from the awful ones that she wanted

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(These are the dresses)

It's finally time for mum to get married, again. I take her hand and walk her down the aisle, catching everyone's eyes with how gorgeous she looks. I leave her at the alter and stare at her with pride. I can't believe she's finally going to be happy again after everything.

*time skip*

The wedding has just ended and everyone is slowly leaving.

I'm currently staying with my cousins Rose and Lisa, they seem to be the only people at this wedding that I actually know somehow. Lisa then knudges me and points at some boys who look our age and says "Have you seen those cuties?" She pretty much shouts, gaining attention of the boys. One of them looks me up and down and then smirks to himself making me slightly blush so I turn back to my cousins.

"They were totally checking you out Hyeri!" Rose says making me roll my eyes and look at her confused. I just laugh at her weird fantasy.

Then, my mum finally finished talking to her guests and has came to collect me. Today is the day I'm moving into my stepdads house. I do wonder if I will have any siblings, it would be kinda cool. "Hyeri sweetie, are you ready to leave? Remember if you don't like the new house just tell me and I will sort it out okay sweetie? Don't hesitate at all." She says making me smile and nod.

We then get into a taxi, which takes a while to get to our new house and it pulls into the driveway of a mansion. How could I not like this?

I can't believe that I'm lucky enough to live in such a luxurious house

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I can't believe that I'm lucky enough to live in such a luxurious house. My mum then gets out the car and gets our belongings before knocking on the front door, and my new stepdad almost immediately answers. "Welcome to your new house you two, it's a pleasure to finally get to meet you properly Hyeri." he says so I just smile.

"I'll bring your stuff in and then show you your room! I'm sure your dying to meet your new brothers!" He continues making me confused. I'm going to have brothers? Thank god, I've wanted to have brothers for a long time. My dad then shows me around and I put my things away and I'm now going to meet my new brothers.

I make my way to the huge living room with my dad and he quickly shouts "Boys come and meet your new sister!" and in a few moments three figures appear. They seem kinda familiar for some reason.

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