~Day out~

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I went back and sat on Chans lap. "Why can't I go with you guys? I want to stay with Chan because I know what you guys are like." I say directing it to Tae and Jimin. "Do you think it's the best idea having Tae with you guys and not with me? He would have much more fun with us." I say to cover up that he would ask a lot of questions to Chan. "Good point Y/n, Tae you go with them. Anyways, that's final so it's going to be Y/n with the boys I said before and now Tae. You guys need to be going soon." Jin said sounding like a mother like usual.

Namjoon texts someone and soon their is a limo waiting outside for us. We say goodbye to the others. "Bye baby, I'll see you later and if they say anything you don't like just text me okay? I love you." I say to Chan. "I love you too, have fun at the theme park. I'll see you later but don't have too much fun without me." he says and kisses me. I put my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss until we were interrupted "Y/n Hurry up!" Yoongi shouted at me. I smirk at Chan and we all get in the Limo and head to the theme park.

*Bangchans pov*

She smirks at me and then gets into the car with the other boys. I was stuck here with Hyunjin, Jin, Hoseok, Han, Felix, Jimin and Seungmin. "So Bangchan, the reason that we aren't going to the fair with Y/n and the others is because her birthday is on Saturday and it's already Wednesday so we are going shopping for some presents, decorations and everything we need for her birthday." Jin says sweetly. I thought that they wanted to question me about Y/n or something.

"Jin, can I quickly talk to you outside?" Jimin says in a worried voice. "Why do we need to talk?" Jin says sharply back at him. "It's about the photo shoot that Bang Pd told us about." Jimin said back and him and Jin rushes into the kitchen to talk. In the mean time I was talking to Hoseok. "So, Hoseok I hope that my members weren't too bad yesterday!" I said to him to start a conversion. He showed his bright smile and said "They were no bother at all, just as long as you and Y/n had a fun time. Also about that, Dispatch posted a picture of you and Y/n from your date and saying that you guys might be dating." he said still smiling at me.

His presence is so nice. "Yeh we had a lot of fun, and also thanks for letting me know Hoseok." I said smiling back sweetly at him. "Please call me Hobi. Only if you want to though." he said back to me. While we were talking, Felix and Han were having an argument and Hyunjin was trying to sort it out while Seungmin was telling them to keep arguing. Then Jin and Jimin came back into the room and Jin said "Come on then, we are going to the mall now."
*end of pov*

*Jins pov*

Jimin asked to talk to me outside about the 'photo shoot' which I knew meant Jackson. We left the others in the room and Hobi started talking to Chan as soon as we left. "What's wrong Jimin? Is she alright?" I asked in a panicked voice. "Jackson told her that Mom is sending people to try and get rid of her powers, and you know that means killing her." he said with tears forming in his eyes. "Hyung, I can't deal to loose her too." he said while hugging me. I hug him back tightly and say "It's alright Jiminie, Y/n is the most powerful person alive. She's got a lot of protection." Jimin wipes his eyes and we go back to the others and I say "We are going to the mall now!"
*end of Jins pov*

We have just arrived at the amusement park and there's already some paparazzi who have taken pictures of us. Security gets rid of them all as we go in. Jin has the full park booked for us. We go around looking for which rides to go on. We split into a few groups and go off to different rides. I'm with Jk, Tae and I.n and Lee know. The other 3 have went off somewhere else. We go on loads of rides and get some food. It's a really fun time.

We met back up with Namjoon and the others and headed home after a long day at the theme park. We are jamming to music in the car when I get another message on my arm. Luckily Tae and Jk are either side of me. 'now you are finally done on the rides, I just wanted to tell you that I have sent you some more guardians. No one will be bothering you soon. Also tell Jk and Tae I say hello, I really want to meet them all~ love the best brother ever.' Jackson has wrote on my arm. I take my knife that is hidden as a pen and write back to him 'thank you Jackson, I love you so much. I'll come and visit you later.'

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