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"Y/n calm down. Now." Eric said to me looking out the window and I realise what's happening. Everything is always my fault. "Why can't I just die." I say and start to take my necklace off. Jimin grabs my arm to prevent me from removing it. Everyone's staring at me now. "Y/n, everything's alright. We both know you can't do that. Please stop, you're scaring the others." he says and looks at the others.

I hear Chan "Y/n baby, everything's going to be alright. Let's go upstairs and get some rest." he says to me in a calming voice. "But the thing is it's not going to be alright. I wish I had a caring mother to look after me." I say looking at him now away from Jimins hug. "Y/n you can tell me anything remember." Hyunjin says in a sad voice. "I'm fine." I say sternly. "Y/n you can trust me baby" Chan says walking closer to me. "I said I-" I stop as soon as I feel Jk grab my hand. "We need to talk, Jimin Tae take Y/n up to my room, Ill just be a minute. I just need to talk to the others briefly." Jungkook said in a demanding voice. Jimin and Tae grab my arm and we sprint upstairs.

*Jungkooks pov*

Jimin and Tae have just taken Y/n up to my room. Now time to talk to the others. "If any of you do anything to hurt Y/n, me, Tae or Jimin hyung will not wait to do anything about it. Got it?" I shout at the rest of the boys in the room. "Jungkook you need to calm down, Y/n can hear you." Eric said warning me. "Jungkook, is anything going on between one of you guys and Y/n?" Bangchan asks me in a sad voice. "No nothing is going on with any of us and Y/n, everything happened in the past and it's over now. She's in love with you now." I say to him and my heart breaks at the last part I forced myself to say. Jin realised and walked up to me and gave me a hug "Dont worry Kookie, everything's going to be alright okay. Just remember not to focus too much on the past." he said to me.

'Don't focus too much on the past'. That's too hard to do. Y/n was so close to me. We kissed, held hands and did everything apart from actually having sex. I don't know why Bangchan has to steal her off of me. Then Yoongi stood up "Can you go and check on her for fuck sake Jungkook. We both know you're the only person who can help her. Now hurry up and go help." he said to me sternly. I know that straykids are confused but I don't care right now. I ran upstairs to my bedroom.

*end of pov*

Jungkook comes running into his room. I'm sitting on Taes lap and giving him a massive hug while sobbing into his chest. "Tae, why does everything always have to be my fault? I just want to die. I can't do this anymore." I say to him while still sobbing into his chest. He pats my hair and kisses my head. Then I feel Jungkooks hand on my back. "Kookie, I-I just want my brother back." I said turning around to face Jungkook. "Princess I know. You're so close to getting him back. Don't give up now. Don't think about doing bad things to yourself baby, you know that I still love you." Jungkook says as he has picked me up and placed me on his lap.

"I know Kookie, I-I love you too. I honestly would have killed myself if it wasn't for you guys. I love you all so much. Jiminie is my baby mochi , Tae's my weird alien and Kookie is my little bunny. You guys mean so much to me." I say while looking at them all. "Y/n we love you too, we know how much m-" I cut Jimin off. "Hyunjin and Chan are at the door." I say as I move from Jungkook's lap. I see he has a semi boner and laugh at him. "Come in, don't just stay there all day." I shout to them outside the door. They both come inside.

"How did you know we were at the door?" Hyunjin said looking at me weirdly. "I guess you could say it's as if I have special powers." I say and laugh with my brothers. "Baby, are you alright? The others wanted to come and see you aswell but they don't feel like they should." Chan said to me in a worried voice. "I'm fine thanks daddy... I mean bubs. I just have some family issues going on and I usually talk about them with Jimin Tae and Kookie. I'm sorry if I caused any problems and please tell Eric to go see Jackson." I say to Chan. He nods at me and everyone is still looking at me weirdly for calling him daddy.

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